Paypal einloggen fehlgeschlagen?
Hey, wollte mich gestern bei Paypal einloggen, weil ich 100€ bekommen habe & diese auf mein Bankkonto überweisen wollte. Leider kam beim einloggen immer diese Seite auf… Anrufen habe ich probiert- geht keiner ran. Hat jemand damit Erfahrungen?
try to call again that no one could have been random
And- did you call?
You were probably 18 when you opened the Paypal account. Thus, it should not be a problem to confirm your login data by an ID scan.
PayPal/customer service
0800 7234500
8:00–20:30 and Sa. -So. 9.00–19.30.
As I said, several times. Nobody ran.
PayPal has two Phone numbers, you have to try both more often:
0800 – 7234500 or 069 – 945189832/ Mo.- Sat. 9:00 to 19:30
And be prepared to ensure that PayPal will make a data comparison by means of a welding can for personal and age verification.
Under the number and in the specified time?
Then you have to keep trying.