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2 years ago

You have no credit card because:

Hello I am 13 years

You are minor and must therefore not have a PayPal account, PayPal is without exception from 18.

However, you know that yourself because you have deliberately registered with a wrong date of birth.

And now you have correct Problem:

PayPal wants you to a credit card add; that make those who have been more and more frequent recently to ensure payments and to filter out minors; but also the white can required for age verification by you.

At the latest, you will find out that you registered with a fake date of birth; As a result, PayPal will lock your account and you as a person, and Finalas with your colleagues here:

And please don’t bring the story of the “Account of Parents”.

2 years ago

Your problem: You don’t have a credit card. between credit card and bank card_200185

Credit cards get full-years. You’re still a few years.

Next, Paypal will ask you for your ID. Then it was lasting with you and Paypal.

2 years ago

ChildWhat age did you confirm?

Your fake Date of birth with which you used an international bank bee and fraud?

Significant consequences follow for liars, data counters and identity frauds. And that’s good.