PayPal account under 18
Hey guys^^
I would like to open a PayPal account and I know that it is only available from 18.
Now a stupid question: I’ll be 18 in 3 weeks and how likely is it that they’ll get me? xD
Greetings Robin
Hey guys^^
I would like to open a PayPal account and I know that it is only available from 18.
Now a stupid question: I’ll be 18 in 3 weeks and how likely is it that they’ll get me? xD
Greetings Robin
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The problem with history is the registration with wrong data… At some point on your feet if you don’t remember.
Read the terms of use that Paypal can do in such cases.
So on 25 April you wrote the following:
You’re sure you have three weeks’ birthday? I mean, it’s been a couple of months.
Just wait three more weeks and then log in. Where’s the problem?
Sry xD believe I’ve written
I got my birthday on May 23.
Yeah, that would be an alternative.. that is not an answer to my question 😉
Why would they even get you? Just wait the three weeks, you’ll survive…
It would be a possibility xD