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8 months ago

Well, kid, you did great.

You are minor and must therefore not have a PayPal account, PayPal is without exception from 18.

You know that yourself, because you very conscious with an incorrect date of birth.

And now you have correct Problem:

As a consequence, PayPal blocks your account and you as a person, and Finalas with your colleagues here:

PayPal has a Luxembourg bank license, is subject to European banking laws and can certainly not be danced by underage data counters on the nose.

Criminal law is not without:

Click: StGB §263

Click: StGB §269

Although applicable to eBay, it is also applicable to PayPal:

Click: judgment of the Berlin Chamber Court

8 months ago

Imagine I’d come with my ID because I’m over 18 to the credit from your parents’ bank account.

There is no name, address or date of birth, but I am all year round. So if according to your logic, I’m coming to the credit of a strange person. What do you think would happen to the banks if every full-year person gets access to each account? It would be chaos without end.

So to make it clear: Only the account holder comes to the money and that is the person whose full data is in line with the ID. No one else.

You’ve been clarified enough to make you punishable. That is why I am saving the detailed explanation here because it would be too redundant.

8 months ago

No chance

Paypal accounts can only be created with 18, the money is Futsch.

With such scams, Paypal understands 0 fun.

8 months ago
Reply to  stayhey

You have consciously given false information to the account, that is no longer a child’s stroke, with luck your parents may be able to retort the money, but I would not rely on it.

And I guarantee you’ll stay locked up at Paypal for life.

8 months ago
Reply to  stayhey

You can forget that PayPal isn’t stupid.

Talk to your parents that they contact PayPal, you can’t do it yourself because of your minority.

And for you, PayPal has done, and Final.

8 months ago

No, you can’t, because the data doesn’t match. But you must say goodbye to the 600 euros, because you will not receive them with very great probability.

I don’t care who said wrong data.

8 months ago

And again someone who thinks you could dance around an internationally acting bank house on your nose.

Paypal is from 18, which is sure you are aware of, as you have an account with fake data.

No, you can’t show any ID, but you need to verify the data you have logged in with, because the bank account runs on this data.

This means that you will never be able to open a bank account at Paypal again.

By the way, you could also get a message about data falsification into the house… Paypal doesn’t like to be fooled.

8 months ago
Reply to  stayhey

Again – this is a bank and not a children’s playground.

The BankCONTO runs on the name and the data you use the bankCONTO have opened.

Show me a bank house, which just gives any people out of the account without any legitimation…

You don’t seem to get it!

8 months ago

You’ll be locked forever and you can forget the balance.
And this is your own fault.

You’re not just against most important rule of PaypalFrom 18J“, but you also committed a crime when you faked your date of birth to pretend you were full-year, even though you are minor
=> Data falsification and Identity fraud => Crime in accordance with §269 StGB.

That it’s not a good idea to lie and cheat a bank should be clear.
But how can you only have so much credit in an illegal account, where it is clear that the blocking can follow at any time?

8 months ago

No, you cheated. The identity of your parents doesn’t help you, because there are no accounts for minors.

8 months ago

You give a wrong name, a wrong age and a wrong address and complain that the account is locked? You’re nervous?

Since you have no chance to prove that it is your account, you can write down the money. You deserve it….