PayPal Account gehackt und PayPal macht nix?
Hallo Grade eben wurde mein PayPal Account gehackt und mir wurden 400€ abgezogen die ich nicht benutzt habe ich habe dem Support geschrieben das ich das nicht war und das es ein unauthorized Kauf war und die haben einfach das Ticket geschlossen ? Was soll ich jetzt machen? 😭 Auf der Lieferadresse steht der Name Adresse alles von dem jenigen aus Berlin .
Würde mich mega freuen wenn mir jmd helfen könnte er hatte sich was bei Mediamarkt gekauft
Well, let’s see a way. Print everything and get to the police. If that’s enough to determine who that’s what you get.
Hopefully I’ll call Mediamarkt today and I’ll ask
Is the media market with you at the same time the police? I’d be new.
You need the police. The media market will not give you any information about any purchases due to data protection.
And finally secure your PayPal access as it should be – with complex password and 2FA.
Ups, I just see (born in 2009), then a parent has to reimburse the ad, because you as a minor cannot do that yet. You shouldn’t even use PayPal lawfully.
And there is probably the reason why no one was with the police. Paypal doesn’t help him
You are minor and must not have a PayPal account at all.
Paypal is firstfrom 18Jallowed – without exception!
An illegal Paypal account is cheating with fake date of birth to pretend that you are full-year, although you are underage, that isData falsificationandIdentity fraud=>Crimein accordance with §269 StGB.
Read it.
The consequences will follow…
Definitely assume you’re locked and you can forget the money.