Ich will etwas auf EBay Kleinanzeigen verkaufen. Der Käufer hat sich heute erst neu angemeldet. Grundsätzlich nicht verwerflich, aber irgendwie ist mein Bauchgefühl komisch.
Sollte mein Gefühl richtig sein, kann er mit meinen PayPal Daten, sprich meiner E-Mailadresse, mich betrügen?
Würde nur PayPal Freunde Zahlung akzeptieren und versichert versenden.
was kann mir passieren?
danke 🙏🏻
Nothing can happen to you with your mail address alone. As a seller with family & friends option also not
Especially with “family and friends” you can be cheated on how to be funny….
And what? Explain. And remember, the FS is the seller, not the buyer
No, he can’t, as long as he didn’t hack your Paypal account
Of course he can’t.
Unfortunately, this does not answer my question.
I would like to know: Can a Freak/fraud with my email address get my link to the bank account deposited with PayPal, get out and cheat me.
whether I’m serious as a seller is irrelevant first.
OmG, you are high-grade blue-eyed 🙄
to 1: yes, I know. And on? Small amounts don’t hurt anyone.
to 2: this is easier than many think. With your IBAN alone, I can buy online at your cost by first charge.
I can continue to submit paper transfers abroad with a well-known name. In my case to Romania, but my attentive bank advisor has contacted me because I usually only run online banking
Did both happen to me after I entered my account details for payment on classifieds and never heard of the alleged buyer again. Had to change my account number, which was associated with massive writing and cost
The unknowledge is here you, bachelor 😉
You’re really writing your comments with total unawareness 😂
1. The F&F at PayPal is strictly not allowed for your purposes, as you are using the fees to be paid to PayPal. If this comes out, you have to count on an account lock (which does not happen with small amounts)
Two. What do you want to do with your Iban on your own? that you just talk and finish — if you let yourself go with the Iban alone, then you do something wrong my dear 😂
For me, sellers who only accept F&F are automatically unselfish, and believe me, this is legitimately very many.
I only sell against cash and Paypal F&F. I don’t give my Iban any more after third parties tried to rip me off twice. I don’t sell anything on ebay. Private sellers are already being expelled for the fees.
All right, everyone who’s on it hasn’t really thought.
PayPal and eBay are actually a comparatively safe thing because you can make use of the purchasing protection.
F&F takes this option completely away and you have to trust it blindly.
Can everyone do as he wants, but it is not recommended.
But it’s good with non-serious buyers. A serious buyer also sends to F&F option. I don’t do it any other way.
If you use the “Send money to friends and family” option, you do not have to pay any fees to PayPal.
That’s the money, you sent it once, you can’t get it back.
Exactly this option does not require a serious seller.
A blatant violation of the Terms of Use of PayPal. Especially since you are cheating on PayPal for their fees. As a result, PayPal will block your account in the interest of all honest users and that forever. You are a minor and therefore you must not have PayPal, as you said your final person ban will come soon.
Even if the buyer pays with friends, he can report an unauthorized account access if he wants to cheat you. Then the money would go. If he had paid with goods and services and you would have kept yourself in all the dignity of the seller’s protection Say you could keep the money and PayPal wouldn’t book it with you.
What do you want to sell that?
If it’s high quality and you want to ship, then only accept bank transfer to your account. And don’t ask for fake bank phones or payment documents.
As a private seller on eBay classifieds, you never offer PayPal. PayPal FF is also not eligible as this would be a breach of PayPal’s terms and conditions. If the buyer cannot pick up and pay cash or wants, there is only one payment option, bank transfer.
Bei Nutzung von PayPal Friends & Family für eine Warenzahlung hast Du keinerlei Käuferschutz und Du betrügst PayPal um die dafür fälligen Gebühren. Das finden die überhaupt nicht lustig und das kann zur dauerhaften Sperrung Deines PayPal-Accounts führen.
Das kann den PayPal-Account kosten, weil PayPal das zu Recht als Gebührenumgehung sieht.
Am sichersten ist immer noch die Kombination Barzahlung bei Abholung.
Die Einzelheiten dazu klärt man ausschließlich (!) über das Nachrichtensystem von eBay Kleinanzeigen und man gibt auch niemals (!) seine Handynummer oder seine Mailadresse an.
Und wenn Du dennoch unbedingt verschicken willst:
Would only accept PayPal friends payment
Thus, you violate PayPal’s Terms and Conditions and cheat PayPal for your fees, and could cost you your account.
And this will happen as soon as you are a minor who has opened an illegal account by counterfeiting.
If you only make PayPal friends payment then you can easily be cheated.
Machining NIEMAL PayPal friends when you sell something to strangers.
Take the PayPal as a seller and simply convert the Paypal fee into the price.
He’s a salesman. At F&F there is no buyer protection, so rather bad for the buyer
Yes, the buyer has a greater risk. But there can also be problems as a seller. In the worst case, PP locks the account of it and/or attracts the money.
Hm. I would recommend Paypal friends because the buyer could otherwise recover his money. Friends don’t.
How can I be cheated? He sends me the money via PP friends and I send the goods…where do I think wrong?
PP may concern you because you circumvent the fees. If there are problems with the buyer’s account, it can still be that PP recovers the money and you stand there with empty hands. With PP friends you have no security, neither as a buyer or as a seller.
Can stop in the worst case, that Paypal will recover the money and if you have nix on your paypal account, they will try it with the linked account.
Okay, that would be a risk. But my connection to the bank account cannot be had, can’t it? This is my fear.
Yeah, well, you had a big bad luck.
I used to be a giant fan of Paypal. I’m no longer like that since the buyer protection is abused in a great way
There were quite cases where it happened with single and/or low amounts. The risk is small, but it’s there.
Right. On the other hand, the seller has black Peter. This is how Paypal has developed. Terrible.
If you do this in a large style and/or with higher amounts. But occasional payments with corresponding comments are not sanctioned.
1. Why do you want to voluntarily enter a method of payment that only you yourself Disadvantages, risks and Fees bring?
2.) Why do you want to violate Paypal’s rules with “PayPal Friends” and risk your blocking because you’re cheating Paypal?
3. You Yearly? If not, you will also be locked forever and you can forget the money.
you are a minor and may not create an account 😁
the amount can also be withdrawn via F/F.
when this comes out, you can be locked, you cheat PP to the fees
I’m new.
unauthorized access
see also F&F
You can, could and will never “withdraw” payment.
When do you stop telling this stupid fairy tale?
Thank you.
Never heard.
Such business is only done personally, exchange money against goods.