PAYBACK – wo ist der Haken?
Guten Morgen liebe Community,
habe mir gestern PAYBACK gemacht, weil ich mal schauen wollte, ob sich das für mich lohnt. Was sind eure Erfahrungen?
Nun zur eigentlichen Frage: Was springt eigentlich für PAYBACK dabei raus? Schenken die mir jetzt einfach Geld, oder wie kann ich das verstehen? Einkaufen geh ich ja sowieso. Werbeeinnahmen haben die ja eigentlich auch nicht. Kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass die Firma einfach nur ein großes Herz hat und soziale Hilfe leistet. Bezahle ich mit meinen privaten Daten und mit meiner Anonymität?
LG Petri
You sell your data
You get points for every purchase. You can redeem the points. Hooks do not exist directly, only that the points are sometimes hardly worth considering that you might pay less for the purchased product elsewhere.
The hook is the same as the roulette: In the end, the bank always wins. And: there is no free lunch.
You can create a consumer profile from you and ultimately buy it more expensive, because the product is cheaper elsewhere, you buy things, not because you need them, but because they are supposed to be so cheap or there is nothing for the points that is deaf or you need.
In addition, you align your purchasing behavior according to their wishes and thus make yourself their shake.
Matürlicb have the “advertising revenue” – the companies that participate pay for it!
And you give zb price when you buy something…
I still like to use it very much and let me pay out the points about 2x a year – come together with me about between 200 and 300€
Now that the great A also participates, it will surely become even more 😉
Who’s the big A?
🙈 … is English for A(mazon)
In fact, it is not long
Well, I could have gotten it.
I was thinking about the retail and thought about “Aldi”…😅
But interesting… I didn’t know that with Amazon.
The people then go extra to the payback support stores to get points and the shops pay pay payback also for this
So I always collect payback points and then sometimes pay my dm products, so I get them free
I’ve been using Payback for a long time and consistently. This naturally makes use of the shop that offers payback priority. Is now the closest to us. All other payback providers then rather random.
I also like to use the 5-fold/10-fold or otherwise coupons.
What do you think people go shopping? There, where they really save money, or where they feel they are given money for expensive shopping?