Payback Amex kündigen?
Wie leicht ist das und gibt es eine Kündigungsfrist ?
Will das kostenlose erste Jahr ausprobieren, schauen was es gebracht hat und ich will keine Abo fallen oder dauerhaften Bindungen.
- Hat das jemand gemacht und kann sagen was für ein aufwand das kündigen ist und ob ich schon wie Amazon Prime kündigen kann im vorraus obwohl die Karte läuft ?
- Kann ich damit Punkte sammeln auch wenn ich dann mit Bargeld bezahle oder brauche ich wieder eine Seperate Payback Karte ?
- Was bringt eine Amex die viel seltener akzeptiert wird ausser bei den Partnern noch ausser Payback punkte (1 Cent pro 5€) ? Ich denke mal nicht das ich grossartig Vorteile davon habe wie eine echte Premium Amex. Finde ich praktisch 2 in 1 deswegen wollte ich das Probe Jahr haben.
Theoretisch hab ich es auch bei einer Amex Gold mit dem Startguthaben aber ich kaufe eigentlich nur im Supermarkt, Amazon oder Zalando. Wäre wahrscheinlich sehr unnötig ausserhalb von Rewe, Burger King, Penny, Dm, Real…
The Payback Amex is always free. I’ve been using them for a long time to book flights, because you can convert your payback points for free 1:1 into miles ( Miles and more).
In addition, have the Amex gold this is of course perfect in the first year as you get 30,000 points and depending on the destination that is already a flight. In addition, travel health insurance, travel cancellation and baggage insurance is included. But it has an enormous countervalue. Flying soon to new York Business class and pay only 100 per person instead of several thousand. You can also balance the billing with the points.
You can start small with the Payback Amex as this is permanently free. There are 3000 points. I added the Amex gold later, as it can make a lot possible.
You can use an amex almost everywhere. Except in small shops.
It’s just a lot of information 😅 on questions I’m available
Ohso thank you didn’t know she’s permanently free without paying 1 cent, had only read that there are no fees in the first year and then somehow cost money but can also be that there is another payback card.
If it’s free, I’d like to use it if it’s due, of course, it wouldn’t be as smart as I already have a free Mastercard/Visa Debit and Girocard.
The only purpose of use is online purchases (but usually there is also direct debit for Maestro) So really “Kredit” card with money borrow until the end of the month I need not only a master card with CVC, am no adult who needs spontaneously 4000€ for his car reperaturation.
Doesn’t even want to get into the position of me somewhere to borrow a bad credit for investments such as housing/house purchase.
Couple hundred euros can also be borrowed from the family.
I don’t use them as a credit card in the sense. I make all purchases and expenses with credit cards, my account remains unaffected. Once a month, the credit card expires. Because so I get points and can book flights and travel almost free. Payback can earn so much more than just ” Points” 😊
I’ve been using the permanently free card for many years. Last year I got 75 euros back, this year unfortunately only 50 euros.