Pauschalreise Einreise verweigert? Entschädigung?
Liebe Community,
ich hatte am Samstag dem 25.06 eigentlich eine Reise geplant. Gebucht war eine 6 Tägige Reise nach Antalya.
Schön und gut…
Wir sind somit zu zweit in die Türkei geflogen mit den ensprechenden unterlagen dort angekommen ging alles den Bach unter.
An der Passkontrolle wuede uns die Einreise verweigert. Meine begleitung hatte einen pass der noch 2 Monate oder so gültig, war er sollte aber laut der Polizei 5 Monate gültig sein.
Im auswärtigen Amt hieß es man könnte mit sogar mit einem abgelaufenen Pass einreisen…
Wie gesagt wurde uns die einreise verweigert (auch mir) obwohl mein pass noch 2 jahre gültig ist somit hätte ich die Reise auch allein antreten können…
Wir wurden dann in eine Zelle gesteckt und dort festgehalten worauf hin wir mit 2 verschiedenen fliegern zurück nach deutschland gebracht wurden. Essen und trinken wurde mir keins gewährt sondern nur der Begleitung.
Während wir in der Zelle saßen habe ich das konsulat, den reiseveranstalter und die Reiseleitung die uns eigentlich am flughafen empfangem sollte angerufen.
Konsulat konnte nichts machen….
Bei check24 habe ich die situation geschildert und es hieß ich solle erstmal nachhause kommen und mich ausruhen.
Der reiseleitung teilte ich mir dass wir die reise nicht antreten können weil uns die einreide verweigert wurde.
Meine frage ist: Haben wir anspeuch auf Erstattung des preises? Natürlich nicht den kompletten sondern einen Teil.
Wir haben ja nur einen hinflug in ansprich genommen das hotel und den rückflug haben wir nie gesehen… da wir auf eigene kosten zurückfliegen mussten.
Weil ich hätte ja die Reise antreten können dennoch durfte ich nicht in die Türkei.
Die reise war ziemlich teuer und es wäre schade wenn das geld jetzt weg wäre.
Haben wir rechtlich gesehen anspruch auf eine Teil erstattung?
Das Reisebüro war ITS Reisen. Gebucht wurde pber check24
No claim against the tour operator (except for taxes and fees which are saved due to the non-return flight) . For the completeness and correctness of the documents required for entry, the traveller is always responsible.
What state authority does your accompaniment possess? The fact that a passport may have expired for up to one year applies only to a few sovereign powers.
If the Tunisian authorities have dismissed you unjustly, you can try to sue them for damages. But it’s probably a lot of hopeless.
“If the Tunisian authorities have dismissed you unjustly, you can try to sue them for damages. But the thirsty probably would be quite hopeless.”
That was my concern, but I don’t think I’m gonna get anything.
The small print determines that you are responsible for the correct passports and entry. The statement from the AA that you can travel without a valid passport is unimaginable for me. Do you have a link to it or was that a (reliable) statement on the phone?
“The entry can also be made with passport, provisional passport, identity card or passport if the document has expired for a maximum of one year, but not with an expired provisional ID card.”
Source: soda
That’s jz bad -.-
I don’t know if you can apply for compensation, but:
important addition to the above quote
Source: soda
The Federal Foreign Office says even more:
There is no right to enter foreign countries. Just when the documents are not in order.
Here too the AA:
You can try the tour operator if it was a package trip.
For a flat-rate trip, there are slightly different regulations. According to § 4 BGB-InfoV, there is an information obligation of the tour operator. This must indicate to travellers the applicable entry requirements. If he leaves these instructions and the traveler does not apply for a visa, the passenger may demand compensation.
Bad luck! Most of the travel documents are the entry requirements of the holiday country, and it is the personal responsibility of the traveler to fulfill them. Special visas and the like often help tour operators.
However, the fact that a passport document must be valid for at least 6 months is almost part of the general education.
General education? We’ve been able to find out where two different things were, and apart from that, can you read net? My passport was valid for 2 years? I could have arrived *eigentlixh* without any problems?
You wouldn’t have got any problems with Pass. The fact that at least half a year is valid even if you arrive on foot, not only at the airport. And letting substitute documents go abroad is usually more problematic than before leaving home. The country of entry is not obliged to issue substitute documents to foreigners in contrast to domestic authorities.
Not all countries are calling for that. It is not a flat-rate requirement. Each country has its own entry regulations and the sovereignty over whom it enters and who does not.
I would like to see that in writing. I’m very interested.
Neither the travel agency nor the travel portal have influence on the Turkish customs authorities and can be held liable for their decisions.
What are the claims for refunds is regulated in the contract or in a travel insurance. It is common that parts are reimbursed if there are good reasons before the arrival of the trip, i.e. the trip has not been made, partly even if it has been cancelled (for example for health reasons). The so-called “higher violence” is generally excluded. By your flight, but not appearances, however, neither the travel provider nor the hotel(s) can find short-term replacements. Whether a (safely completed?!) Travel insurance takes over shares, must be clarified directly with them.
Here was an answer from someone there he puts the link and the citation in there you can look in! Otherwise thank you for the answer
I’m glad we could help. always happy
the travel price is completely gone, as you have been denied entry, you have to answer it yourself.
Why have you been denied entry? what will be silent?
My accompaniment because the pass had 2 months validity. I was simply told to go back to deutschlqnd and it was demanded of the politicist that I wrote on a note “i want to go back to germany”… what I found pleasing absurd and therefore did not make
I could have started the trip
and what citizenship does your accompaniment have? there is something wrong with the documents
because of this you have a problem with entry that has been denied you. the Turkish authorities decide alone, denied entry, so your travel price is falling.
German German!!!! Of course, the authorities say that in Germany everything was super even the airline the headquarters in the türkei did not say anything about it and let us fly along normal etc
No – because this would be “higher violence” from a travel company’s point of view, which has no influence on it.
does your accompaniment have German citizenship?
“No – because from the point of view of a travel company, this would be “higher violence” which this has no influence on.”
Thank you
Do you have legal protection insurance? In my case, there is the possibility to call a free lawyer hotline and get advised.