Patronenhülse identifizieren?
Guten Tag, letztens mit dem Metalldetektor unterwegs gewesen und diese Leere Patronenhülse entdeckt. Ich weiß nichts über die Kennzeichnung dieser und würde mich freuen falls es jemanden gibt, der aus der Rückseite schlau wird. Darauf stehen die Ziffern 11 und 50, ein O oder Null, daneben ein Stern, das andere ist leider nicht zu erkennen. Vielleicht ein K, ein N oder ein I(?)Vielen Dank im Voraus
This is 7.92 x 57 mm ammunition.
There are possibilities.
Either this is an old patron of a kar98k from World War II, it is a patron of a hunter or a fake.
For a cartridge from 1. World War is still too good.
I would exclude that with World War II because of the numbers on the back, but I’m not sure.
(if my details should not be correct… I’m not a gun expert. I have my information from the internet.)
The lower one on the photo cannot come from a rifle of the 98s family, as it is an edge sleeve. Both are not military cartridges, by the way.
Like I said.
I’m not an expert.
I got my information from the internet.
The lower photo was that it was the ammunition of a kar98k.
Without dimensioning, this is very difficult to say, especially because the sleeve is no longer completely preserved. In the case of military ammunition from German production, paragraphs 11/50 would indicate a production in November 1950. This cannot actually be ammunition from the Second World War. The letter combinations generally indicate the manufacturer and the production site. Now it would be necessary to find out whether there was a military practice site or at least a training site of the Bundeswehr in the vicinity of the site. It could also be ammunition from other allied armed forces stationed in Germany and practiced there.
That is the remnant of civilian hunting ammunition, I actually exclude that are labeled differently.