Patrone woher?

Servus! Ich wollte fragen was ist das für eine Patrone mal gewesen bzw. Woher genau? vom Weltkrieg oder Übungspatrone? Und von welchem Gewehr? Hab die beim Sondeln gefunden (Österreich) auf der Patronenhülse ist folgendes drauf: P154 S 17 37

unten noch 2 Bilder dazu Danke schon mal für eure Hilfe 😉

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1 month ago

The cartridge is probably a space cartridge in the caliber 7.92 x 57, better known as 8 x 57 IS, the I for infantry and that S for pointed, this means the projectile shape (wall).

It was manufactured in 1937 by Polte Armaturen- & Maschinenfabrik A.G in Grüneberg (Schlesien) and has a brass sleeve (S).

The cartridges had a wooden projectile at the time, and when you look at the cartridge you found in more detail, you can see that the firing cap does not have the usual impression of the firing pin, so the cartridge was not fired, but the original wooden projectile is rotted over the years.

On the photo below you can see how the cartridge once looked.

Five cartridges are seated on the so-called loading strip, which enables the magazine to be quickly remunerated.

The cartridges were used both in the carabiner 98k and in the MG42, in the MG in a belt.

Best regards to Austria

1 month ago
Reply to  FuFi34675

This cartridge was fired with the 98 k and the MG. The red ring joint points to the pointed floor with steel core

1 month ago
Reply to  FuFi34675

Now, you’ll only be able to determine the weapon if something is exotic. Otherwise, different weapons (manufacturers) often have the same ammunition – is logistically simpler.