Passt grau und grau zusammen?
Ich find das Outfit süß und trage es gerne aber heute hat mir eine Freundin gesagt dass grau und grau zusammen nicht gut aussieht. Was meint ihr?
Ich find das Outfit süß und trage es gerne aber heute hat mir eine Freundin gesagt dass grau und grau zusammen nicht gut aussieht. Was meint ihr?
Ich kenne eine Familie, da bringen die Frauen nur Mädchen zur Welt. Als eine Mutter hat drei Töchter. Und jede Tochter wieder eine Tochter bzw. eine sogar Zwillingstöchter. Herrscht in dieser Familie eine Art genetische bzw. chromosomenartige Dominanz sodass Mädchen wahrscheinlicher sind bei der Zeugung ? .
Hey liebe Community, ich möchte mir eine Krake am Unterschenkel stechen lassen. Sie soll dann etwas auf den Fuß ragen. Ich erzählte es meinem Partner, der sagte, dass würde doof aussehen, weil ich nicht der Typ für ein Bein Tattoo sei(das sei erstmal so hingestellt) und es als einzelnes doof aussehen würde. Wie ist eure…
Habe Ende Oktober meine a1 fahrprüfung, welche 45min dauert und um 7:30 stattfindet. Ich habe eine Lederjackemotorradjacke und eine textilhose. Was kann ich noch alles anziehen damit es nicht so kalt ist? (Fahrschulmotorrad hat keine griffheizung)
Hallo, wie findet ihr Shein zum einkaufen? Liebe Grüße
Bügelt ihr eure Sachen immer? Oder lasst ihr sie nach dem Waschen nur trocknen & zieht die dann so an?
Of course, this fits together, but I personally would be too fade with this “color combination” because I lack “color cups” that would bring a little revival into the overall picture – but that is a personal matter of taste
I find the outfit nice✨️
It’s basic, I personally would bring some color in with golden accessories.
Fits well, looks good
She’s absolutely right.
That’s a good match. Don’t worry. A little colour is also beautiful. but not always
Perfect. N#ke Cortez or Air max ’90
color fits this, but looks like a sleep suit
Fits well when tops and pants of the same color has no matter what color when the colors have a different shade like bright blue and dark blue then I wouldn’t wear it then I would replace a part against a different color. All uniform color often looks very cool.
That looks great! I would perhaps wear a small golden necklace or something, but that is quite a matter of opinion 🙂
this is a very sweet outfit to say.
And it fits together very well, don’t let anything talk to you. You can put that together. It looks very good.
Greetings Vanni 🙂
Looks very good!
can be worn together.
Looks good, you can wear it so much, in person I find the gray and grey fit together
This actually fits well together but if the grey tones are too different. This is not the case
Yes, fits very well together, I would also wear
Doesn’t look badly just for special occasions.
Besides, I think that’s a fake account anyway.
I think it fits well
Yes fits a little cold to wear this now
You can do that with gray.
This looks absolutely beautiful, don’t let yourself be insecure!
Right 👍😎
Here you go.
I can only recommend that you do not seem to have so much experience in compliments fishing. Therefore, a starter set would be appropriate for you so that your compliment fishing career is no longer in the way and you can read all the comments: you look good, that looks mega! And it is definitely not a bad choice.
Have fun!
You just look at the likes of the question, and here only 12 or 60 years old with the Schlong in your hand are driving in the answers. There she has what she wants.
Colorful it fits well.
Interesting or attractive, it doesn’t work. Better for home or for yoga.
Why not attractive?
Like someone said, go towards Pyjama.
But that fits well and looks pretty.
Same color always fits together sonst stop gray white, gray black,
Grey and gray is the same color, it not only fits together, it is identical.
Fits super together 😊
It’s all right. What’s wrong with that?
Did your girlfriend tell you what doesn’t look good and what better?
I love it.
Of course you can also combine it differently, but it also fits so 😉.
Yes, that fits perfectly. Well, you’re feeling in your outfit.
But that fits. 👍
Looks good! Don’t let them say anything! Is your decision what you’re wearing!
Looks like a pyjama. The tip at the top makes it look like undershirt. So nice for inside, for outside not mine. But I like it as well as a little more feminine than athletic.
ASOS DESIGN – Mix & Match – Pyjama with cotton carrier top | ASOS
It’s just plain, but not “not good.”
Looks perfect from 😍 grey grey best color-combie
Ahja, fishing for compliments. Over and over.
The colors are not the problem. If I wear reasonable pants then it doesn’t look like a workless guy who just gets up from the couch.
What a stupid answer, that has nothing to do with unemployed at all, but is chic and stands girls excellent.
Well, for people who are not used to anything better, McDonalds is probably also upscale kitchen. Similar to this clothing “style”
Then look for a lawyer, banker, doctor or managing director in jogging pants. Or go to jogging pants for a wedding, funeral, a ball or something. Let’s see how far they’re coming. Not even to the entrance.
No, I don’t, I understand something about fashion and know what’s worn and in. There’s nothing wrong with a dead warehouse. But in Germany, I think you think you’re all miserable.
So if you sign a jogging pants as chick and fashionable, you really have a problem
Oh, the “million flies can’t be wrong: argument. Who would have expected that.
For what there are two possibilities: they don’t care because they don’t have to carry their wealth to the outside (see also people like Bill Gates) or what is the most likely reason, no matter how much money some have, style cannot be bought.
poor Neven with your valuing opinion on clothes, you really have no idea of fashion that what this girl wants to wear or wears a lot of very, very rich women, just have to go to Los Angeles and look around you there, you’ll be astonished as in that.
Fits perfectly
grey on grey and now in autumn where it gets colder would surely be cool with a red jacket or even black jacket
The two grey tones fit together very well.
You can wear it at home but I wouldn’t go out like that
Why not?
Because it looks more like a uniform than it would be leisure clothes
Like someone has written, it looks like a sleeping suit or sports things – you can go out like that, of course, but I wouldn’t make it
Yes, I do.
It’s good
Yeah okay
Looks like sleeping things
Are you addicted to attention or why are you asking the question again and again?
You can do it yourself I believe
Then I take everything back and say the opposite, please excuse me.
Looks mega hot from😁