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Generally no.
There are universal lenses that fit to 99% of all lenses, but with most standard lenses you have to adjust to the filter diameter of the lens (which is on top of the lens). Then there are also apertures that even fit only for a specific objective and otherwise on nix.
No, there is a corresponding stray light diaphragm almost for each lens.
Usually, sun visors are attached to the outside of the objective by means of bayonet closure. It is safe to order the original replacement part of the lens manufacturer. That’s right. Otherwise, it only helps to taste a lot.
As a replacement for the original sun visor, I find the term scattered light visor more suitable, I can actually recommend only rubber visors that have a filter thread. These are simply ordered for little money in the diameter of the filter thread printed on the objective. Although these rubber diaphragms are never “tub-shaped” but always round, they can be folded together for this.
No. Just on the right one.
Counterlight diaphragms are usually fitted with manufacturer-specific ( bayonet) closure, and of course also in size to the lens.
No, the sun visor depends on the lens. And then there are also sun visors with rotary closure and bayonet closures.
A certain sun visor made for DIESES lens fits.