Passt eine Bassgambe in einen Cellokasten?


Ich möchte mir in Kürze eine Bassgambe zulegen und brauche einen passenden Koffer, im das Instrument sicher zu transportieren. Im Internet finde ich zwar einen Anbieter für Gambenkoffer, aber die sind mir zu viel teuer. Ich hätte die Möglichkeit, preiswert einen gebrauchten Cellokasten zu kaufen. Leider finde ich nirgendswo Angaben dazu, ob eine Bassgambe in einen Hardcase für Cello passt. Wer hat Erfahrungen damit?

Liebe Grüße

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4 months ago

Definitely: No! Maximum cello gigbags would be eligible.

Solid cases have completely different dimensions. The proportions of cello and gambe are very different. The web sits much further down in gambs, the neck is wider. Often the vortex box is too large.

In addition, the body shape is not compatible.

Unfortunately, there is only the possibility of making a special case. Alternatively, a gigbag can be made by Riboni/Cremona.

We are talking here about prices between 1000Euro (Riboni) and up to 2300Euro (Hardcases of Accord or A-Case)

There are now also some more affordable cases from China for approx. 1000Euro, but have no experience with it.

1 year ago

I’m sure he won’t fit. Gambs also have different sizes. Of course, it would be best to make an exactly matching case. This is especially important when the instrument is valuable!

1 year ago

If you buy the gamble in a shop, you can come by with the cello box and ask if that would fit in.