Does this radio fit in an Opel Corsa C?
The vehicle was first registered in September 2003, so the year of manufacture would also have been 2003.
Radio that I want to install:
The vehicle was first registered in September 2003, so the year of manufacture would also have been 2003.
Radio that I want to install:
Hello, I had my BMW in the workshop because the crankshaft, bearing shells, timing chain, spark plugs and injectors were replaced. Since then it has been jerking strangely when idling and when starting off. Does anyone know what the problem could be or has anyone had the exact same problem? Best regards
Hello, I'm having some trouble identifying the wheel bolts. According to the report I am allowed to have this Now there were only 10 of them, so I had to get 10 new ones. They both look a bit different. Are they both even tapered screws? The shaft length of 28mm is about right. I…
Good morning dear community! We have the following problem: We bought a Peugeot 206 and drove it for the first time yesterday. We drove about 20-30 km and then quickly went home, went upstairs to get something and forgot to turn off the lights and the radio. When we wanted to drive off, the car…
Hi, I drove over a pothole with my Speedy, and then it wouldn't respond to the accelerator and died. A couple of times it started without responding to the accelerator, and now it just chugs or tries to start. I'd like to know what the problem could be? Something else that might be good to…
Hello, my dears, I'm desperately looking for suitable lights that I can attach to the outside of a van. They should be magnetic, so I don't want them to fly off. I travel a lot in residential areas for work and have trouble judging in the dark. I need two for the side mirrors and…
Hello, I'm currently considering having the tank set on my Simson S51 powder-coated. I've also read about clear coats and so on. What all needs to be applied to a proper coat of paint, or is powder coating and clear coat sufficient?
Da brauchst du einen Adapter, ISO auf JVC. Rein größenmäßig passt es
ISO auf JVC? Und wofür ist der Adapter dann gut? Nur für Radioempfang? Weil ich eh nur vor habe per Bluetooth musik zu hören
Der Adapter ist für den Anschluss des Radios an deinen Corsa
Der hat ISO Buchsen. Das Radio nicht
Kannst du mir den Link von dem schicken, den ich brauche?
sollte, wenn der Corsa schon ISO-Stecker nutzt, ansonsten brauchst Adapter
Okay, Dankeschön. 🙂 Wenn ich einen brauche bestelle ich einen nach