Passt dieser Verstärker zum Lautsprecher?



  • Belastbarkeit (Nenn-/Musikb.): 150 / 200 W
  • 4 Ohm


  • 4 Ohm: 2 x 40 W Dauerleistung
  • 4 Ohm: 2 x 70 W Dynamikleistung
  • Leistungsaufnahme: 20W min. 250 W max.

Das ganze würde noch durch einen Vorverstärker (Kopfhörerverstärker) laufen, der in etwa 1-2 Watt Leistung hat.

Liebe Grüße!

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10 months ago

You can do that.

But can only go up to 40W because otherwise the amplifier overloads and distorts playback (which can destroy both boxes and loudspeakers if you don’t rehearse in time and turn the volume back into the green area)

The 41 to 150. Watt of the loudspeaker remains unused.

40W RMS per channel is quite a lot. It’s enough to annoy the neighbors. With “normal” listening to music without too high volume or extreme worries, you hardly get over 20W.

The power consumption has nothing to do with it. This information indicates the power consumption of your amplifier. So how much power it nucleates from the socket, which affects your electricity bill when used frequently. 20W with quiet up to 250W with completely twisted.

The power consumption of the headphone amplifier is as little as its maximum output power applies to the headphones connected thereto, which have nothing to do with this. And headphones are a milliwatt story. 2W does not hold a drum shell.

10 months ago

Yes, it would fit. But the amplifier has really little power, unlike the speakers.

This could result in the high volume that the amplifier burns through because it simply has to output too much power.

10 months ago
Reply to  Saami307

Before, the box usually burns through because of clipping / rectangle curve. With such a big difference, however, it is also possible to capitulate amplifiers