Passiv Raucherin mit 14?

Hey liebe Community

Ich bin 14 und Passiv Raucherin, da meine Mutter und co. Zuhause rauchen. Es stört mich eigentlich nicht, da ich mich das ja gewöhnt bin. Jedoch hat mich eine Lehrperson vom letzten Jahr mehrmals darauf angesprochen ob ich denn rauche, da ich sehr nach Rauch stinken würde. Ich dachte mir anfangs nichts dabei doch sie stellte mich dann mehrmals vor der ganzen Klasse bloss indem sie sagte es stinke hier drinn und man sollte lüften und danach schaute sie mich an und sagte, ach nein stimmt das bist ja nur du. Vorher hat mich noch nie jemand auf meinen Geruch aufmerksam gemacht und das ist das Schlimme. Ich selber rieche es leider nicht. Und heute morgen hat mich auch eine Mitschülerin darauf angesprochen und sagte danach der ganzen Klasse dass ich Raucherin wäre usw. Es verletzt mich wirklich sehr und ich mache schon ALLES dagegen aber trz riecht man es… Was soll ich tun?

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2 years ago

In the past, no one complained about smoking or smoking.

Neither of my knowledge has any of passive smoking been killed, nor has it become ill.

Only when one has opened a large barrel (media) and the citizen brought the idea of the smoker and smoke is quite evil, the day had again structure.

Many people suffer from it that they have nothing to say, but now they are allowed to disperse every smoker and smoke, in the sense of the ruling class, people strike you in the heads, we the rulers (brand pencils) bring this in order, by law, you cannot.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bernhard230561

Does the angel of the FS help?

2 years ago

I’m afraid you can’t do much, except maybe shower in the morning and dress freshly washed things. Or ask your mother to smoke outside. The behavior of your teacher is the last of all. It’s not your fault!

2 years ago

It’s your mother’s job to explain or justify it. Or any other people in your household who are suffering.

2 years ago

For the first time, let the people talk, most importantly, know better.

If the teacher fits, she’ll look stupid if a fellow student says, 1gg1 then it’s always regulated. Your parents are extremely bad with their education when they smoke in the apartment. Besides, this is gross and not healthy for you.

Much fun with the consequences if you want to bear this for more than 4 years, but don’t change it. Tell your parents that this doesn’t work because they’re your parents, they’re not gods who can do anything. You are worried about the well-being of the child, and you are looking at it in the back, otherwise you don’t need to get a child.

Good luck

kami1a, UserMod Light
2 years ago


It doesn’t bother me

But if it and you should talk to your mother first. Smoking in rooms when children are involved is an incredible lack of consideration. This is unhealthy and sustainable even potentially fatal. One of the 20 dead as a result of tobacco smoke goes to the account of passive smoking, which is around 300,000 a year worldwide.

And this risk is your children??? If it must be absolutely – outside. make many

Maybe you can change your mother – and the problem is gone


2 years ago

You can’t change it. You smell smoke because you’re being sneaked in it every day. You can ask your mother to smoke outside, but questionable if that’s what. Even if you don’t get rid of the smoke smell so fast. He stays a while before he gets better.

If you get over it, then the smells can mix up and you’ll get even more.

Besides, you should go to the Rector. It’s an unding that your teacher exposes you in front of the whole class. An apology before the whole class is at least.

Plus, half of your class will also find smoke. Whether through parents or because they smoke themselves. They can all touch their own nose.

2 years ago

Talk about it with your parents. First of all, if your parents want to harm their own, this is their personal decision. However, you’re exposed to the defenseless. Smoking is already more than harmful, of course also passive smoking! You’re taking the pollutants on the same! You are still in the growth phase, which can cause considerable damage in the future! That must be clear to your parents, please at least smoke them on the open window if not outside. Why don’t you tell them how you feel about it in school, they’ll understand. Talking helps a lot! Take care of yourself

2 years ago

You can’t do much against smoke from a cigarette. She’s stuck in the clothes.

What you could do is try to stop smoking. You’re 14 and you get that for example. At an early age, it’s already pleasing skin and triggers cancer…

You could get some support from someone who knows about it. :

2 years ago
Reply to  PixelWriting

The FS is not the smoker, but the mother, etc. Since passive smoking is not really possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  MonaLisa557

Oh, God sry, read me…

2 years ago
Reply to  PixelWriting

Yes, the cheap reflex with the standard suggestion when appearing the keyword. Is so much easier than a helpful answer.

2 years ago
Reply to  DocPsychopath

Errors are human and your accusation does not bring much.

2 years ago

Has happened to me 100 times

2 years ago

Do not wear clothes for the school at home. Use perfume, use deo, talk to the smokers if necessary and say that they should only smoke in the kitchen or so and not everywhere in the apartment.