Passiv deutsch?

Bräuchte Hilfe bei folgender Aufgabe:

Begründet mit grammatischen Fachbegriffen, ob es sich bei den folgenden Sätzen um Passivformen handelt oder nicht. 

  • Roboter werden zukünftig eine große Rolle in unserem Alltag spielen.
  • Sie werden dann wohl häufiger benutzt werden.

Also es gibt ja das Zustand und vorgangspassiv, in dem Fall ist es ja nur mit werden, d.h. es kann ja dann nur das vorgangspassiv sein oder gar keins…

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1 year ago

Robots will play a major role in our everyday life in the future.

Active, Futur: there the robots are the acting subject – Who or what will be In future play a major role in our everyday life?

They will be used more frequently.

Futur, but also passive: The acting subject is not mentioned.

One could change the passive rate as follows:

“They will be more often used by people.”

Then the “people” would be the subject (Who or what will the robots use more frequently? – The people) and the robots would have been “only” the battery object (Who or what do they use more often?)

In order for the passive rate to become an active rate (in the futur), it can be “rew” as follows:

“People will probably use robots more frequently”

“The people” would be the subject, “robots” the battery object.

A little rule of thumb:

The subject of the active set is the object of the passive set.

Hope could help.

Best regards,


1 year ago
  1. Futur Active (also uses the auxiliary verb they are in the form of personnel, together with the infinitive of the main contract)
  2. Futur process passivity — auxiliary verb they are in the form of personnel, in addition the infinitive of they are plus the participatory of the main verb.