Passiert was schlimmes?

Hallo ich habe morgen Zahnarzt termin und bin 15 Jahre alt.Ich hatte sehr lange kein Karies ich glaube so 6 jahre schon und meine Mutter hat letzte Woche Karies auf den oberen 4 und vllt auch 6ten bemerkt.Ich habe jetzt Angst das sie das irgendwie jetzt nicht machen können oder das sie mir irgendwas schlimmes machen 🙁 .

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1 year ago

I hope you have been regularly in control over the last six years. If no caries were detected, it is unlikely that so many teeth are now suddenly infested. Exception: You suddenly eat a lot of sugar and acidic food or get very often.

Just let the dentist control, he learned that. Your mother is (probably) Laie auif in the area. The dentist does not suddenly “something bad”, but talks with you what is going on and what has to be done. You’ll get a new appointment.

Towing doesn’t bring anything, so from a tiny and very easily treatable hole only a large hole, not so easy to treat.

1 year ago

Yeah, probably he’ll have to drill and feed the holes.

No one can tell you if it’s “slim.” I don’t know what to do with your chewing bar and how many holes you have.