Passenden Begriff für – Endung des Verbstammes?
Welchen Begriff kann ich für genau diesen Teil verwenden:
lernen -> lern (das ist ja der Verbstamm) -> das ,,n” im lern.
Es geht mir um den letzten Buchstaben im Verbstamm.
Ich suche ein passendes Wort dafür. Wie kann man das nennen?
Das Ende vom Verbstamm? Verbstammendung?
ChatGpt sagt: Stammbestandteil
That –en is, depending on the context, either the infinitive suffix or the suffix of the third person plural.
Oh, sorry, wrong read. Why would the last letter have a special name in a verb strain? At phonological level, you could talk about the coda or the leach; However, the designation is not limited to (verb) strains, but generally refers to the sounds after the nucleus of a syllable, and can also comprise more than one sound.
Why not?
There are sometimes certain exceptions when conjugating. For example, if the verbena is a consonant (letter). So I just need a term that describes the last letter.
These exceptions, however, come from the sound level, not from the written level. The Scripture follows the spoken language, not otherwise. Accordingly, something like “the final Coda Consonant” would be a suitable description.
You can call suffix.
If it is to be more specific, you can also say “Infinitive Ending of the verb”.
Condensation or tribalization is correct (see for example on However, this may also be several letters (-rn, -ern). If you want to exclude this, simply say “starch letter”. I don’t think you need that.
The ending always means suffix, I think you can also apply to the verb strain
There is something that the spirits argue about – but yes, it is taught.
Because that means fixed in suffix, syllable. However, an ending is not necessarily a syllable
The last syllable is not
Simply “End” or “Conjugated End”. The term “suffix” is ambiguous.
Ending also applies to words such as “eating”. The ending would be, “en”. Still very general.
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