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2 years ago


see ABE / opinion

Audi and Daimler have the same flange mass but tw different wheel bolts and center centring diameters and other press-in depths. The BR213 have 66.5 hubmass and 14 bolts like VAG after 2010.

Adapter rings for the hub can be manufactured or bought.

The 235 tires from the Audi are “small”, at BR213 is 245/45/18 the smallest standard tire for 18″. From the roll circumference, it might be “fit” that you could get through at 101 wheel load by single entry. 235/50/18 there were at Daimler on SUV, R and V class with increased load

2 years ago

For the rims there is an opinion/ABE there is a look inside and that will answer your question. And if you don’t have an opinion, look at the KBA number on the rim. Da google according to the opinion