Passat 3bg Wassertemperatur?


ich fahre einen 2005er Passat B5 3bg ( 1.9 TDI 131PS AVF ). Bei normaler Fahrweise bleibt die Wassertemperaturanzeige immer zwischen 70-80°C. Manchmal wenn ich lange so 160 km/h fahre oder im Stau stehe steigt die Temperatur dann auf die normalen 90°C.

Ist es auf Dauer schlecht für den Motor wenn er nie richtig warm wird oder muss ich mir keine Sorgen machen?

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1 year ago

If the motor never reaches the “normal” boiling point, or only under difficult operating conditions, which is approximately 88 degrees Celsius, then as a rule there is any defect in the thermostat or in the cooling system – a workshop should take care of it. The transmitter for the coolant temperature indicator could also have an error. Most of the time, this is not so expensive, but it should be timely to prevent consequential damage. VW and Audi have had problems up to the 1990s.

1 year ago

I had it that the coolant temperature sensor (what a word) was plastered and jumped back and forth at my Golf V 2.0 TDI Costume 3 € and the installation went approx. 20min