Get passenger list from plane?

Dear community

I was just on a flight and saw a girl…we were looking at each other and smiling the whole time, but I, the idiot, didn't dare speak to her (maybe because she was with her family…but I know, that's no excuse). She was simply stunning and incredibly sweet. Now I don't know how to find out her name, since airlines keep passenger lists confidential. There has to be some way to get her contact information, though; it would be pretty disappointing otherwise. Thanks for your help.

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1 year ago

No, of course there is no way. That would be hell as an attractive woman if every time after the flight, any type of guy queries your contact details on the airline and then contact you.

How do you imagine?

1 year ago

No, there’s no chance. You’ve recognized it right. Data protection.

Whoever never dares to become concrete must live with his chances. Even guilt. How long was the flight going?

Should it have gone to a holiday area, it may be natural that in the coming days it will also run around like you. If it went to Germany, forget it.

1 year ago

Can ask for social networks . Girls of Flight xy Seat 00. Maybe someone is active there who knows her.

1 year ago


Try searching via FB, insta etc

“Was on flight xy, I sat on square xy and look for sweet girl sitting on square xy and holding eye contact with me. Maybe someone knows her here too”

1 year ago

As you have already been told, for data protection reasons, you have no chance to get to the data of this girl.

There are other possibilities: If she sat on the same plane, it is possible that she is at home in the same region / country as you. You could give up a search message in a much-respected newspaper. The chance is relatively small that she actually reports to you, but you can then tell of you everything that was still possible tried.

1 year ago

No, there is no way for you to get the contact details. It is also good and right that the passenger list remains closed for data protection reasons.

1 year ago

The data protection will prevent you from… unless you are a “Sky-Marshall”…but even someone may not abuse his status without reason.

Just book it under the heading “Life Experience”

…you didn’t take the initiative…Ergo: chance to get away!

…do it better next time!


1 year ago

You won’t be lucky because of the privacy. Only the person who has a legitimate interest in his professional activity. So the one whose task is to transport or maintain the passengers.

Or an authority that can prove an urgent legitimate interest (e.g. for prosecution).

On Facebook, Twitter or Instagram try with day, date, flight and seat. Maybe she’ll see it and get in touch. 😉

1 year ago


Not a chance.

1 year ago

Yes – that’s bitter. Because if you don’t see such opportunities, they’re gone. No, the airline won’t give you the passenger list! You wouldn’t want to share your data.

For the next time, you have learned: to touch your heart!

1 year ago
Reply to  theTow3r

Even I don’t think anyone’s going to make the effort to forward letters. It’s worth a try. But don’t hope too much.

1 year ago
Reply to  theTow3r

Don’t do it. You expect expensive employees to sit down for you and do expensive work. And now don’t come with “I’d pay for it”… if you don’t even have a business card with a phone number or can write a nice note… then you have to live now that you never see the person again.

1 year ago

Well, as you said on the passenger list, you’re not coming…

Looks bad for you…

1 year ago

If you’re lucky, you’re on the plane back.

Unfortunately, you will not come to the passenger list.

1 year ago

No chance

1 year ago

the chance missed going and asking would have been the best option stupid

the airline does not give out any data. Data protection has already been mentioned.