Partyideen für 12-Jährige?
Also meine Schwester feiert im Sommer ihren grossen Geburtstag. Es werden eine Menge Leute eingeladen sein, ältere wie auch junge in ihrem Alter. Ich habe die Verantwortung für die Organisation und muss feststellen, dass ich absolut planlos bin, was die Aktivität an der Party angeht. Meine Schwester, die Hauptperson, ist ebenfalls nicht sonderlich gut darauf zu sprechen, da sie alle meine Vorschläge zunichtemacht.
Darum bitte ich euch um Hilfe und würde mich freuen, falls ihr ein, zwei gute Ideen preisgebt.
My girls have both birthdays in the summer. It was always easy to find something.
Otherwise, ask your sister what she would like to do. Depends on how many people celebrate their birthday.
At the age nothing too childish, they feel too cool and grown up. So things like party hats and pink jewelry are not.
So nothing for the early puberty “peinliche”.
What is still possible does not fall into my own knowledge only no go’s sry😅
Sit with your sister and talk about what she wants. Does she even want you to do this or would she rather plan it yourself?
Apparently, she doesn’t want to do anything herself, just mess with her sister’s ideas.
I went to my birthday mostly swimming with friends
It’s your sister’s party. Ask her what she wants. Give her a deadline. If she has no ideas by then, there is no party.
I really like the idea very well, thanks for the tip
Do you have a garden? Then tent