Partner kauft mal so was für 300€ ohne groß nachzudenken, wägt aber beim einkaufen den Kilo oder Literpreis ab?

Mich nervt das, wenn wir einkaufen gehen, dann vergleicht er immer. „Das kostet 10 Cent mehr auf den Liter“.
Wo ich mir denke „ähhhh ja und nun?“ Ich kaufe beim Obst oder Gemüse meistens Demeter und er würde am liebsten das billigste kaufen und das verstehe ich nicht. Wir sind nicht in Geldnot.
Vor einer Woche hat er etwas gesehen, was er schon hat nur in besser und er kauft es sich direkt für 300€. Das verstehe ich nicht und es nervt. Würde es euch da auch so gehen oder bin ich einfach komisch?

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2 months ago

So everyone has their priorities. When shopping on the liter or kilo price to look and compare makes sense when you want to save.

2 months ago

I don’t think it can be “weighed” against each other.

It is possible to dispense with the additional price of one thing where it is not so important. – This does not mean that you cannot buy any more things that are important to you.

2 months ago

Partner buys something like this for 300€ without thinking big, but does it weigh the kilo or liter price when shopping?

then I would insist on separate accounts.

An ex-boyfriend always did this. Once it was an e-roller (at that time it was still extremely expensive), then it was a new oversized TV and the i-tap, as he bought the neighboring property. had cost only 20k and was very cheap – well, there was also an unfittable steep plot…

To this end, if you save while shopping, there is more money left for other things.

2 months ago

The small saving in everyday things allows you to afford something for 300€. Even if you’re not in cash, I still think that is sensible.

Of course, in the case of fruit vegetables of different quality, you cannot compare the kilo price directly. With many other products, this is quite sensible. Many Discounter products are just the same as the brand products.

2 months ago

No, that makes sense, that he wanted to have because he found it horny. And in normal things you save because you’re not stupid

2 months ago

There is a often functioning rule, especially in companies,
but perhaps you can also transfer it: the more expensive
a purchase, the less is discussed.
There’s so much I know a name for that.

2 months ago

Everyone sets his priorities elsewhere.

Brand or organic products are important to you. For him, it’s meaningless

He buys something for 300 €, which seems meaningless for you.