Partner beleidigt mich als unfähige Mutter ständig was soll ich tun?

Bin Mama eines 4 Monaten alten Sohn und seitdem mein Sohn da ist beleidigt mein Partner mich durchgehend.. er stellte anfangs mich als „unfähig“ da , da es mein erstes Kind ist .. er hat schon ingesamt mit unserem jetzt 5 von 5 frauen.. aber keinen guten kontakt zu denen es darf nur 1 kind regelmäßig zu ihm .. er macht mich krank und fertig .. ich mache zuhause alles Fläschchen geben windel wechseln usw… er macht gar nix .. er ist ein sehr manipulativer Mensch vor anderen das mir nicht geglaubt wird .. wenn wir bei meinen Verwandten sind nimmt er öfters den kleinen und kann aufeinmal flasche geben Windel wechseln stellt sich als tollen vater da was er nixht ist.. zuhause wenn ich nicht schnell genug bin fängt er an mich zu beleidigen sei eine unfähige mutter das ich mit unserem kind nicht umgehen kann.. ich weis net was ich tun soll er macht mich krank und traurig er zieht mich runter und lässt mich an meine mutter instinkt zweifeln 🥺

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1 year ago

Didn’t you know he had kids with four other women?
I’d ring the alarm bells.

Call the phone care and ask where you can deal with your baby – then grab your things and get away as long as it is not in the house.

Leave only one note: You hear from my lawyer.

I would also advise you to contact the other mothers of his children.
Their statements will confirm the truth of your shields.

And if you meet a man again, don’t let him in before you know everything about him…

1 year ago

Now you know why he has 5 children of 5 women. No one held it out with him for a long time.

Your partner is a classic toxic person. With others, he wants to be perceived as a loving person. He needs recognition and wants to represent you as a liar. At home he lets his true me out and wants to dominate and keep you small. He needs a child to live out. You’re dependent on him, he likes that.

His behavior will get worse and make you sick and broken.

You can only save yourself and your child by separating you. There are women’s houses and the job center will help you to have money for your own apartment.

Maybe it would help you if you tried to contact the other women. Maybe it strengthens you to hear similar stories about him. You know you’re not alone.

Good luck and strength. And don’t let him lull you when he’s all nicer. It’s only gonna be so long until he’s got you back.

I also know someone who’s always back to him because he promised her everything will be different. Nix was different, but the daughter stopped talking about eternal stress. She has missed important language development and is now disabled.

1 year ago

he already has in total with our now 5 of 5 women..

Well, a (super) man as a partner and father.

Why is he (yet) Your partner? Obviously he can neither one (partner) nor the other (father).

1 year ago
Reply to  GutenTag2003

there is nothing to add

1 year ago

I can only recommend that you leave the types behind you very quickly. Take the little one and get out of here.

1 year ago

What do you want to do? Actually, you know that in your interior, but what’s stopping you from pushing this out and leaving this guy’s type?

Maybe you’re afraid of what’s going on? There are also times for you where you will prove your mother qualities.

he insults you, who doubts these skills as a mother, that you become so insecure yourself.

No woman is born as a mother and at the first child, there is now something insecure and you cannot know everything.

You have to fight, unfortunately you didn’t look more closely at the guy if he likes to pass on his genes.

You can look for help at the youth office or they can also tell you other places.

Then start to fight you, because he has no respect for you, if he says so, get the respect back.

Ask him if you’re such a bad mother in his eyes, why he fails as a father if he can’t see all his children.

1 year ago

First, I want to express my sympathy to you. You’re in a state of emergency right now. Your hormone balance is still not in the standard range.

I’m sure you’re a good mother. Your mother instincts let you do the right thing. And you learn every day.

Can you dare separate yourself now? If I were your situation, I would, I think, fall hard.

If you can, get help. Call a woman’s house without obligation. They’ll show you ways you haven’t thought of yet.

You can protect yourself and your child.

1 year ago

If he thinks you’re an incapable mother, tell him if he can do it better, he should do it himself.

Otherwise (if he continues) you should separate from him.

1 year ago

“I know what I do”

Severe. I don’t understand why women can afford this and don’t take it that they’re not the problem.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stellwerk

Because they are done so badly that they even believe, they have experienced themselves

1 year ago
Reply to  Stellwerk

At some point, you believe everything that one of the partners talks about, especially when you’re already emotional at the end

1 year ago

If you’re a narcissist, separate as long as your client is still small and none of it comes along.

1 year ago

Talk to your parents or divorce him. In the end, you’re the one who gets the right to care. You said he had 5 of 5 women. Ask his women how they would act. Or grab your stuff and your child’s stuff and get out. You’ve got to get some advice and make you trouble. If you retest there, you and your child will be back. Don’t let him confuse you with sudden kindness.

Warm condolences

1 year ago

Separation. You just hurt yourself. You pack it much better than if you stay with him, please trust!

1 year ago

Give the guy a kick and throw him out. Who of you is the incapable and irresponsible, who has five children with five partners? I’m sure you don’t.

1 year ago

Separate ways go as fast as possible or emergency way to take maternity home.

1 year ago

Then it’s time you’re going to understand that you’re taking the consequences… how can you get from such a child?

First there are “blosss” insults, later possibly also beating….

You should look for expert help and accept something before the child also happens…or do you think he can’t see some of the children without reason?

1 year ago

You knew what you’d do if he’s got 4 and doesn’t care. Did you believe it happened a miracle and it changes? So stop whining. Tell him what’s bothering you, or separate him.

1 year ago

You have a very narcissistic partner on your side. The fact that he has no contact with his ex-partners and also to those who have no children is rather him as an incapable father.
In your place I would leave him, his past shows that he would not change anyway, so you don’t need to talk to him.

I wish you a lot of strength.

1 year ago

what do you want from him?

1 year ago

You should ask your ex to disappear as your life.