Partielle Ableitung Produktregel?
ich soll folgende Funktion partiell nach x ableiten:
Ich hätte die Produktregel angewendet, dass ja zwei Terme miteinander multipliziert werden.
In der Musterlösung allerdings wird das nicht gemacht, was ich nicht recht verstehe.
Wäre super, wenn da jemand helfen könnte.
Hello ChickenWing010101,
In order to calculate the partial derivation of the given function according to x, the product rule must actually be applied because it is a product of two functions, of which a function depends on x. In this case, the second part of the product rule is zero because the second function sin(y^2) does not depend on x. Therefore, it does not contribute to the derivation at x.
If you find that the product rule has not been used in the sample solution, it might be useful to review this solution again or discuss it with a teacher to make sure that you have understood the derivation process correctly.
Great success in learning!
…nee, don’t have to.
Jup. You can apply the product rule to everything, but here it is completely useless. But the chatbot doesn’t know that.
If there is a constant factor in a product (and this is sin(y2) with respect to x yes), then the product rule does not need, because the factor rule is sufficient. In this respect, the answer is quite pointless. But since you’re obviously the x-te here on a good question, who has discovered how great it is to pass on the questions to a chatbot, it won’t scratch you. This is about 10 times every day. Everyone who is active here will find this for chicken. Yeah, you can ask a chatbot such things. Great. You figured that out now.
This is not the problem : The real problem is that the FS is misguided in thinking.
Whoever uses ChatGPT orä and does not know enough in the matter, risks false information for the FS .
Second : Bot – answers MÜ’SSEN as such are included in GF and the indication of possible serious errors.
sin(y2) is a constant. This would be the derivation 2x * sin(y2)
You’re in charge only after x. There y is to be treated like a constant.