Parkfeld Welches schwach eingezeichnet ist?

Ich Parkierte auf einem Parkfeld welches sehr schwach eingezeichnet ist. Bekam eine Busse. Laut dem Polizisten ist es klar das diesen Parkfeld nicht mehr gültig sei und deshalb bekam ich die Busse. Jedoch hat er selbst gesagt das es wahrscheinlich mal ein Parkfeld war und er die schwach eingezeichnete linie auch sieht. Was kann ich jetzt machen damit ich die Busse nicht Bezahlen muss?

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2 years ago

I wouldn’t sit down, that doesn’t look like a parking bay. you will have to pay, you have to convince yourself that you can park there too. if there are no signs, I’d be damn cautious

2 years ago

I’m not sure if marking is enough. If on the right side of the road sign it is not allowed to park here this marking history is no longer valid

2 years ago

I don’t know exactly what it looks like in Switzerland, in Germany parking at the edge of the road is allowed, or so, if it is not prohibited by other signs/marking. What is exactly accused of?

2 years ago
Reply to  yaareex

So on the picture, I don’t recognize a parking field. Although there is a ruler, this is far too weak and when you look at the streets, this line is a parking field. So if I were standing there and thinking about PArken there, I’d see it as an ene line that mda once left a vehicle with something. I guess someone ran out of a color pot. Sorry, but I see that.

2 years ago

I’d fight the punishment. Why don’t you ask the city what’s going on? They need to know.

2 years ago

So I’d rather say you park on a bike path. Without knowing the signs, it’s hard to say.

2 years ago
Reply to  yaareex

Then I don’t know why you can’t park there.

2 years ago

This is true, however, since there are now cross parking spaces behind this “parking field”, it is quite obvious that it can no longer exist, otherwise you should park them.

In line strength, you should look more closely and turn on the brain.

Gruss vu ännet em Rhy to Mostindien!

2 years ago
Reply to  yaareex

To say evil, stupidity does not protect from punishment.

2 years ago

But it can be seen that this could not be one and would have been in line strength You must have doubts and look more closely. You can object, then the judge will explain the same to you. The police are always right in doubt.

2 years ago

And it may be a comfort to you that others do not have it with the exact look.

2 years ago

Looks like a bike path.

Any sign?

2 years ago
Reply to  yaareex

Then you can hold there too.