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Bullshit. There you meet poverty everywhere…
Have you been there? What did you see?
Watched, heard and experienced…. Junkies, homeless, criminals, etc who have accused me and my classmates, have sold weapons and drugs openly, etc. There was the announcement from the teachers we should not go outside after 10:00 because otherwise there could be danger for body and life.
There is comparatively little poverty, as the city of Paris officially includes only the historic centre within the motorway ring. There it is almost possible today to afford better earners and riches to live. The suburban toys are outside and are not part of Paris. There are still homeless people in the centre.
That’s not true. There are also homeless people sleeping in tents under bridges and beggars in the U railway (I have seen 2022). Many suburbs of Paris are affected by poverty.
No, it’s not that.
Have you been there? What did you see?
Paris is also not free from poverty, “problem quarters” etc.
I have seen/experienced several times that this is the case.
In the following links you can find some information on the topic:
That’s definitely not true.
What did you see?
A city full of culture, colors, good food.
Each city also has poverty, the question is more of how large the percentage is.
As much poverty as there, there is only south… Paris has a lot of misery on the hacks.
What did you see?
I’ve been there more often, and it’s just so hotspots in front of pocket thieves and trick fighters… and in the corresponding districts is the purest ghetto, stop in French.
A lot of homelessness everywhere, drugs and misery.
Clearly there are the chic corners that are all organized differently than in Germany…. but the Kärcher-Spruch from then is different to evaluate if you have seen all this better.