paranoia wegen zu viel konsumiert?

ich dreh durch habe gar nicht soviel konsumiert aber schaue immer aus dem fenster was soll ich tun ins spital ist 1 min entfernt oder geht das vorbei ich denke ich sollte einfach trinken zur arbeit binich auch nicht spart euch eure besserwisser kommentare mir gehts echt nicht gut weiss konsumiert

bitte meine es ernst lasst so schiss kommentare bitte

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

That you know that you’re experiencing drug-induced paranoid conditions here is good. You also know that this overdosed state will soon pass. It’s gonna take a little while and you could distract yourself for so long. Drink water, eat a bite (also without hunger!), take a shower and distract yourself as well as it is. Look at Netflix’s favorite series. It’ll be fine, even if it doesn’t feel that way.

Or you go to the hospital. If it is not to be stopped, that makes sense. There is also the obligation to remain silent when it comes to drugs.

Good luck!

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  elchapo576


2 years ago

If someone already calls himself “elchapo” but does not stop the bite of drug abuse, it can’t be a big gangster.

Side effects are quite normal in drug use. If you cannot accept this (also) (like a broken phone) you should do without drug use and mobile phone use.

2 years ago
Reply to  elchapo576

Try to sleep.

2 years ago

I look out the window without having consumed. So where’s the problem?

2 years ago
Reply to  elchapo576

Windows are also there to look out. So nothing unusual.

2 years ago

What did he consume? Drugs?

2 years ago
Reply to  elchapo576

Then you don’t need to ask others.

This is how someone deliberately gets on the thumb with the hammer, and here asks – why it hurts

2 years ago
Reply to  Takinene

No chocolate

2 years ago

Then try to create a clear question that one understands

And I’m not. Your brother.