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4 months ago

It is usually not possiblewith the same credit card to receive several free test months. Streaming services like Paramount+ have mechanisms to prevent users from using the same payment or account identifier for repeated test phases. This is realized by linking the credit card, e-mail address and sometimes also the IP address.

What could work?

  1. New e-mail address: You could use a new email address and try it again. Note, however, that the platform could recognize the credit card.
  2. Virtual maps: Some services offer virtual credit cards that can be used in such cases. These cards generate different card numbers for the same main account.
  3. Alternative payment methods: If Paramount+ accepts other payment methods (e.g. PayPal), you could use them for a new test month.

Important notice:

It is important to use such procedures with caution as they could violate the terms of use of the service. In the worst case, your account can be blocked.

If you want to use Paramount+ for longer, you could also consider an offer or a discounted membership. Often there are discounts that are cheaper than the regular price.

1 year ago

I don’t think so.