Paracodin obwohl ich ein wenig Auswurf hab beim Husten?

Hallo, ich war vorhin beim Arzt und hab Paracodin Tropfen bekommen.

ich habe der Ärztin gesagt, dass ich anfangs mehr Auswurf hatte beim Husten und jetzt eher weniger und dass der Husten manchmal ganz trocken ist.
Ich soll jetzt (morgens) einmal die Tropfen nehmen und ansonsten immer abends.

Jetzt ist mein Husten irgendwie schlimmer geworden. Ich weiß nicht was ich nun tun soll.

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7 months ago

That means to make sure you don’t have to cough. It should just suppress the cough irritation. Of course, the cough will get worse later if the body needs the cough necessarily to protect the germs.

Usually, the doctor should be sure if she writes such a remedy against the cough because it is not suitable for all cough diseases.

If it seems to be worse by means, just go to the doctor again

7 months ago
Reply to  JKanonym

Oh, maybe you’ve been in pain, but it’s supposed to make sleep the night.

7 months ago

Get red onions and real honey. Cut the onions small and add honey in a glass with some tablespoons. After a few hours a juice was formed. You can then store it for a few days in the refrigerator and let a teaspoon of it slowly disintegrate and swallow it several times a day.

Good improvement 🙏

7 months ago

Just take codein to night. Drink plenty of water or tea during the day.

7 months ago

Are you drinking enough? Are you moving enough? Are you healthy? Your body can develop defenses. But he needs water and good food. The movement ensures that the metabolism works well. You don’t need any medication.