Papageien als erste Vögel/ Volierengröße?


Hab da mal ein paar Fragen an die Papageienexperten.

Ich möchte eigentlich schon sehr lange Vögel, genauer Papagein haben, doch aus verschiedenen Gründen war das lange nicht möglich. Jetzt hat sich vor kurzem bei mir die ,,Chance” ergebeben, weswegen ich mich mal konkret damit auseinandersetzen möchte.

Nun findet man leider online sehr unterschiedliche Informationen und Meinungen, weswegen ich mir hier mal eine Meinung bzw. ein paar Ratschläge einholen wollte.

Ich würde gerne ein paar (sprich 2) ,,echte” Papagein halten, da diese mir vom Charakter am besten gefallen. Kleinere Vögel wie Wellensittiche zum Beispiel, konnten mich leider nie so packen.

Aktuell habe ich besonders Graupapagein und Amazonen im Auge. Mein absoluter ,,Traum” wären Kakadus, aber diese habe ich aufgrund von Platz und ,,Schwierigkeit” schnell ausgeschlossen.

Jetzt habe ich oft (gerade bei Amazonen) gehört dass diese Tiere keine ,,Anfängertiere” sind und man gewisse Vorkenntnisse mitbringen soll.

Aber ist es denn gar nicht möglich sich nach vorherigen informieren und einlesen (evtl. gibt es ja auch Kurse oder ähnliches) auch diese Tiere als erste Vögel zu holen, oder muss ich mir unbedingt vorher Vögel holen die ich (ich sag es mal ganz plump) eigentlich gar nicht möchte?

Würde mir natürlich vorher genug Zeit lassen um mich ordentlich mit dem Thema zu befassen. Dafür würde ich auch gerne einen gewisser Aufwand auf mich nehmen, sprich wie oben schon angedeutet z.B. ein Kurs (falls es sowas gibt).

Nun zu meiner zweiten Frage:

Dem Platz, bzw. der Volierengröße.

Ich hätte (als reinen ,,Schlafplatz”) eine Fläche von ca. 2,50(B)×3m(T)×2,30(H) zur Verfügung, allerdings mit Dachschräge. Diese Fläche könnte ich vollständig zur Voliere umbauen. Dazu kommt noch ein Raum von ca. 40-45m² in dem sie sich eigentlich die ganze Zeit aufhalten können, solange ich zu Hause bin (Sprich mindestens 4-5 Stunden am Tag). Dort würde ich dann Sitzstangen etc. aufhängen.

Und dann gibt es natürlich noch das restliche Haus, wo die beiden sicherlich auch mal fliegen können.

Wäre das genug Platz um ein Paar Graupapagein oder (Gelbnacken-)Amazonen zu halten?

Danke schonmal für eure Hilfe!

PS: Da es relativ wichtig für mich ist und ich keine falschen Entscheidungen aufgrund von falschen Informationen treffen möchte, bitte ich darum nur qualifizierte Antworten und keine Vermutungen o.Ä. Zu schreiben. Danke!

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1 year ago

Just ask again: If I understood it correctly, the 40-45sqm space is only available when you are home, so in absence on the 2,50(B)×3m(T)×2,30 life, is that right or did I just read it wrong?

1 year ago
Reply to  Emanuelh0

the animals need full-day free flight

1 year ago
Reply to  Emanuelh0

So the main problem is currently because of the place and the lack of experience, the information on the Internet you can bend, which all fall out too small, moreover gray parrots are really quite difficult in the attitude and without experience it is truly not a good decision, as they are also quite sensitive to say it roughly. In addition, the high life expectancy does not forget 40-60 years are friends for life, or who survive you at all and are in the attitude really something for prosperous holders, because already with small mistakes the mind of the animals suffers very strongly below and it can even come to aggressions or they tear themselves out even the feathers and really is just what for people who have already experiences in parrotation because no reading of the world is

The volunteers at grey parrots are actually rather used as a food, drink and sleeping place and need several long free flights a day and actually needed the space of 40-45qm 24/7, i.e. throughout (except for sleeping time, but still have to have the large space available from morning to evening.
Several hours in a 2.50(B)×3m(T)×2.30 is not advisable in such animals, as they are also very joyful of movement that must fly much, that is not really feasible in a small room.

There are many specialist readings, but the more recent are: Naja books. You’re not wrong now, but you’re still a bit away from an animal-friendly attitude.

1 year ago

Well, the minimum requirements are for a semi-acceptable attitude which is also determined by the animal welfare, but if you look at how active these animals are, you can quickly see that the minimum requirements are not even close to them. (Although the minimum requirement is also really animal-friendly and also legally enforced, there would be no more plastic and plastic equipment and cages. > < > < > < > > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <
But what the animals really need in place is still very underestimated, just how many people don’t get the hamster keeping on the line and this is really easy to keep.
In addition, the information is only intended for the retreat, that unfortunately it is only noted in the small print or even completely omitted.
Birds are generally very active animals that do not sit around all day, fly and flutter and that they also need.
In parrots there is no too big, the more the better for an animal-friendly attitude.

Most of the information on the Internet is still information you need to keep up with at least, but unfortunately does not mean that they are really optimal and on the Internet unfortunately there is also a lot of evidence.
The really good birdbooks in the postures come from I think about the time before 1960 or so about the twist, I am not quite sure what time this was, but are already quite old the really good, most modern are felt by hobby owners, whose attitude is not really soo the bringer.

And you can not really compare Wellis with Grauis now, except for their species, but the conditions and requirements are very different, even because of their individual size and sensitivity.

Zahm can theoretically become all parrots, i.e. also customs, but the main problem is the free flight.
I looked at some again, but I had to sort out a large part again, because the humidity must be very high, which I think is falling away because you probably don’t want a humidity of 60% inside. The other part falls away due to the required free flight, because most really need full-day free flight, because with flying they keep not only their muscles fit, but also their metabolisms, too much sitting and little flying is not healthy for such animals and then we land again at the waves, which you can well keep on the 2,50(B)×3m(T)×2,30 and the trip should also be very robust and the animals can be kept very

Nymphs are also relatively sturdy, but they need at least 5 hours of free flight, more even better, the place should also be enough, if you can give proper free flight, but at 4h it can become somewhat narrow again.