Papa begeht suizid wegen Narzissten Frau?

Hallo. Ich bin Anfang 30 und verheiratet. Haben vor kurzem Nachwuchs bekommen. Ich habe eine narzisstische Mutter, die mir seit meiner Kindheit mein Leben zur Hölle macht. Ich habe es nie geschafft Kontakt abzubrechen. Ich habe mit 17 versucht mir das Leben zu nehmen, weil sie eines Tages gesagt hat, dass ich einfach verschwinden soll und sterben soll, dass sie mich hasst. Ich habe noch eine jüngere Schwester, das goldene Kind. Ich bin das schwarze Schaf und musste mich schon immer mehr beweisen und mich für alles entschuldigen. Meine Eltern haben sich noch nie entschuldigt bei mir. Gewalt war immer vorprogrammiert, psychisch und körperlich. Einmal hätte ich fast mein Finger verloren, da sie mit einem Messer auf mich losgegangen ist, weil wir verschiedener Meinung waren. Ich war nie ein Problemkind. Stand relativ schnell auf eigenen Beinen, haben einen guten Manager Job in der IT, meine Schwester hat Lehramt studiert. Dennoch war ich nie gut genug. Wenn ich was tolles gemacht habe, war ich gut aber sobald ich anderer Meinung bin machen sie mich fertig. Mittlerweile auch meinen Mann.

zuletzt gab es Streit als ich im 4. Monat schwanger war. Meine Eltern waren in der Zeit zu Besuch bei uns. Meine Mutter hatte mich wieder psychisch so kaputt gemacht. Dann wollten sie gehen und mein Mann hat sie ohne Widerworte zu meiner Schwester gefahren. Seit dem hassen sie mich und meinen Mann. Haben sich nicht einmal nach mir in der Schwangerschaft erkundet. Sind nicht zur Geburt gekommen – auch meine Schwester nicht. Sie hält komplett zu meiner Mutter. Der Kontakt ist erst entstanden, als mein Baby 3 Wochen alt war. Mein Vater hatte einen suizid Versuch und lag lange in der Intensivstation. Ich bin im Wochenbett zu ihm geflogen. Mit meiner Kaiserschnitt Narbe. Ich hab den Abschiedsbrief gesehen. Darin stand dass meine Mutter ihm dazu gebracht hat und ihn fertig gemacht und geschlagen hat. Er wäre fast gestorben. Nun gehts ihm besser, er hat sich auch mit ihr versöhnt scheinbar und nimmt sie dauernd in Schutz. Außerdem leugnet er was er geschrieben und gesagt hat. Mein Baby ist mittlerweile 3 Monate alt und sie haben sie immer noch nicht kennengelernt, fragen nicht nach mir und ihr und auch haben sie kein Geschenk gemacht. Meine Schwester möchte auch nicht zu uns nach Hause kommen. Ich soll mit meinem Baby zu ihr. Sie hassen meinen Mann. Das Ganze Thema belastet unsere Ehe total. Ich fühl mich so einsam. Ich wünschte ich hätte eine normale Familie, die mich lieb hat. Ich weiß einfach nicht mehr weiter. Auch nicht wie ich mit der Situation von meinem Vater umgehen soll. Alle tun so, als hätte er das mit dem Suizid nicht gemacht. Ich wurde übrigens auch von meiner Schwester und Mutter beschuldigt, dass er es wegen uns gemacht hat, weil wir so gemein waren. Im Abschiedsbrief stehen aber andere Dinge. Habt ihr einen Rat? Mit meinem Mann läuft es auch nicht gut. Ich bin so unglücklich und traurig. Möchte mit keinem mehr Kontakt haben, schäme mich so sehr, und fühle mich so so ungeliebt

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1 year ago

Think about your child and stay away from those who make your life a hell. Remember that in stress situations you tend to act as a child, so make sure that you don’t transfer it to your child. You probably need external help to handle everything, so don’t shy the gang to a therapist. As for your husband, is he good to you and your child? Then get to him and don’t let your parents/sister come between you. Maybe a marriage counseling helps, abet also a separation can be helpful. You always have an eye on the welfare of your child. All good and great strength!

1 year ago

That sounds really bad and very sad. And I’m sorry for you…. You are longing for the love of your parents, but they obviously have no love to forgive.

I agree with all those who say: contact termination, psychotherapy for you, and you have a family: your child, you, your husband. Be glad your family of origin has no interest in you. If you don’t report, they’ll probably report to you because they lack their scapegoat. Then you should block right away and then ignore. This is hard, but contact with this family is life-threatening. And it’s really hard, so get help from the therapist!

That you feel so bad and you’re ashamed of what your parents did to you. This is completely understandable. But I’m sure you’re okay as you are. Contact termination and therapy, then you will feel comfortable with yourself again. I wish you all the best!

1 year ago

Okay, first I think it’s good that she didn’t see her grandson. She has brought two generations of your family to a suicide attempt, there is no reason to try out if she can do it for the third generation. Protect your baby 😊

Then you describe structures in which psychic dependencies often arise. Your father probably hangs in there. He’ll keep to her no matter what. That’s how it works. I also doubt that it is really better after the facade. She is still the same person. That’s nothing you can just take. And that his suicide attempt is a taboo theme, also speaks volumes.

You HAST a normal family. You have your husband and your child. It’s a family. And you are loved by them. You will never have healthy, normal contact with your parents, yes. That’s it. But from my point of view, they are less important than here:

It’s not good with my husband either.

Don’t go after things you’ll never get. Protect what you actually have.

1 year ago

Serious girl? Remove yourself from the drama.
Even if it’s hard and you’re still starving for parental love, which has always been denied to you: you don’t get it. Not even now that you gave them a grandchild. They don’t appreciate you, but you’re going after them and letting you walk with your feet.

Work on your self-love and your self-esteem. You’re Mom. A little bundle of life is completely dependent on you. And hopefully you’ll teach your child how beautiful life is and how to deal with each other in an appreciation and respectful manner.

They’re turning your feet and instead of doing them, you wipe it away and apologize for it. This can’t go on your life like that. Harter Cut, all the opposite.

It’s really bad with your father, but at the end you’re not responsible for him. He’s an adult man. Never took care of you, so you don’t have to worry either. Not at all in the weekbed and if no one likes it again.

1 year ago

Wouldn’t have anything to do with my parents and sister anymore. If they want something, they can come and apologize.
You don’t owe them anything because you ruin your marriage.

Talk to your husband and look at that both of you are pulling in a strand, as said the strand should be just your both + your child.

1 year ago

I wish I had a normal family

You have it now, your husband and your daughter.

Do you have any advice?

Make contact with your family, they don’t do good to you, they don’t do good to your husband, they don’t do good to your marriage and as soon as your daughter gets along, they won’t do good to her either.

Tell your father if he needs help getting out of there he can report, but you don’t want any further contact with the mother. And the sister, if she stays with her, can stay away.

And then pull it through.

Talk to your partner about how hard this is for you, but also how much it burdens you both.

What do you think is more important to your child? Happy parents or a highly manipulative negative grandmother and aunt?

Yeah, that’s hard, but you can’t choose your family, but who you have contact with.

1 year ago

You’re an adult and you have a family. I’m sorry your father tried to take life. You can’t help him if he doesn’t want it. Even if it hurts.

Stop wanting to have something from your family of origin that they do not want to give you and become.

You’re ruining yourself and your own family.

Don’t worry about her anymore. They don’t want you (or just as Buhmann). You don’t need her. And your child? Oh, Jesus. You don’t want to expose your sweet baby to a person who makes other people so ready that they want to die?

You have the responsibility to keep your child away from them. It’s good that they’re not looking for or even wanting to get in touch. You don’t have to explain. Just don’t have to report.

Take care of your marriage and your child.

1 year ago

Since we were all made for a patadie, but it is all but that, many of our fellow human beings lose the hope that it will ever be better. But this is in the Bible because God intervenes to end all suffering and also humanity. His son Jesus is already king and gathers all who learn to trust in him – for whom there will be an earthly paradise.

1 year ago

Cancel contact and go into therapy.

1 year ago

I think you should go to the doctor with your troubles and from there to the psychotherapist. Or call directly at the psychotherapists near you, many!!!, and look where you can find the fastest place. If you want to talk about it.

1 year ago

I’d completely cancel the contact with the parents and the sister.
You seem to want it yourself.

You now have your own little family, focus on your child and your husband.

1 year ago

you need a therapy.

also contact termination

1 year ago

I suppose you don’t want to break the contact, because your family still means something because it’s Famile and in your imagination there’s a picture of family you wish and you’re disappointed on the one hand by your family, but you still wish you had contact and everything would be peace of joy eggcake and everyone would love and no one would argue etc.

To be the big sister. I have to disappoint you. You’re not a single case. You’re a typical big sister. It’s always been like that. The little ones must always be much more than one should be allowed, one must always take into consideration, one must never resist because one is the big one and should be reasonable, one should share everything, the small one must constantly annoy one and one should bear it because it is a child, the small one can already help all the time before and faster than the other, after all she looks at the big one, the small one is better at school, clear, you have already done with the big one.

You should close your grudge against your little sister. You’re holding Groll because you think your parents would have always preferred her, which certainly wasn’t that, but you’re suffering from the big sister syndrome and your parents were just bad in the education and being the child after the birth of the little ones in a certain way. Your parents didn’t know better. It used to be like that. Your sister can’t do it. She was a child and used the situation to her advantage. Would every child do.

What once was, you can’t change. At some point you have to finish the past and look forward.

Your focus must be on your child and on your husband. This is your family. Look, that’s what’s going on and keep looking.

With the family I’m just gonna break if you’re 100% behind it. If not, learn to accept everyone as he is. And if your mother laughs stupid stuff, don’t take it to heart. Think “the one is sick” and let it be good. And your father is grown up. If he likes to stay with her and get lost, this is his problem

1 year ago

Keep away from the parents and make couple therapy with the spouse.

You’re letting your mixed poke destroy your marriage!

1 year ago

Complete contact termination with them. It’s not your family. That’s hell.

Your family is your husband, your child, and all your loved ones (family of your husband?) and friends who want and do good to you.

Don’t go after the others, you’re breaking up. They didn’t deserve you. That’s hard, but do you want to break it? Contact termination is the only thing that will help.

1 year ago

Keep away from them. It may sound hard and I can’t say I understand your situation because I don’t know anything like that. Try to meet with your father, because if it’s just your mother, then he can vlt with a part of your family. Your mother is sick, and she should deal with it and not leave it to others.

At the beginning of your life, you can’t choose who your family is, but later you can determine who is in your life and who is not. The minded family has no meaning. Your husband also feels like your family.
So get your own.

1 year ago

You’re not lonely, you have your own little family. You should completely ignore the others. Your child needs a balanced mother and that can’t be anything so sure.
If you don’t understand, find professional help.