PAP smear at the gynecologist's office is bad? Panic?
After I had a dysplasia consultation almost two years ago, I was reassured because I was told it wasn't serious and I didn't need to worry. Samples were taken and there was nothing. The subsequent smear test was fine. Well, the last one was in July, and now I have Pap III D again. I think 1.
I've been in a relationship for almost four weeks, but it was immediately clear to us that we wanted to have children at some point. I'm only 24, and my biggest fear is that I won't be able to have children because at some point my uterus will have to be removed, or something will have to be thrown away, or it will turn into cancer.
How long does it actually take for something truly dangerous to develop? Could it go from PAP 3 directly to 5, for example, or to 4 within a short period of time?
I don't want to google too much…maybe someone here has some idea or personal experience.
Is there anything else I can do to benefit my health?
A PAP IIID is not tragic yet, but must be observed. He usually forms himself.
One should repeat the smear in half a year and possibly also make an HPV test.
Yeah, I got an appointment for December. But strangely I find it was good again after the samples were taken, then everything was good and then bad again
At what intervals were the marks made?
That’s it. Everyone was healthy and suddenly he’s sick. That is why we also regularly take precautions.
OK, then the distances were big enough. Sometimes insecure women go to a second doctor after a noticeable finding and leave a smear again within a short time, which is often inconspicuous because all cells have already been smeared. You can’t do that.
But as I said, PAP IIID is not cancer, but should be observed. So it’s best to go back to Gyn in 6 months. And tell him if an HPV test is possible.
So about December 21 was the sampling there was all good July 22 was Pap I and then July 23 again 3D