Panzerglas für das iPhone 15 Pro Max?
Hallo, ich wollte mal fragen ob hier jemand Empfehlungen hat, für ein Panzerglas, welches ich online bestellen kann. Wichtig wäre mir, dass man am Ende keine Luftblasen durch das Panzerglas sieht. Danke im Voraus
As well as all tank glass films come from China or from one and the same Chinese factory. There are no differences.
The only difference is how much manufacturers can outperform themselves in the design of the case and useless tools for the glasses.
Just buy the cheapest and what is offered in the highest number of pieces.
Monday’s models are always available. You can also buy those more expensive glasses.
They all do nothing.
With this one, you have a mounting frame with it, which makes sticking a little easier and it sits straight.
Jep, a mounting frame is brilliant. I’m not taking any more tank glass. That makes it so easy.
on my 15 per max I got this on
with the device it is super simple and