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6 months ago

I’d try to handle this with other means. Pantoprazole I had to take a while and they made sure that my body takes the calcium from my bones. In the long run these pills probably lead to ostoporosis.

So I guess:

  • Do not drink milk at heartburns. It only makes it worse.
  • Take care of your diet and avoid what causes your heartburn.
  • Try to take other things against heartburn. A teaspoon of base, for example, or a spoon of cumin.
  • If the sodburn is very bad, a sip of lemon juice helps me. The lemon juice is also sour, but not as acidic as the stomach acid for a long time. The gastric acid is thus somewhat deacidified.
  • Go to the doctor and don’t just let yourself be so discounted with the tablets. They’re not good.
  • My uncle needed the tablets regularly. He drinks a cup of Earl Grey tea every morning and feels not only better, but also needs as good as no tablets anymore
  • Put yourself on the left side while sleeping and eat nix before bed.
6 months ago

Take the pill and think about it in the future.

6 months ago

You should take these tablets only a few weeks.

6 months ago

Did you take it now?

6 months ago
Reply to  BurhanHH

Chewing gum can help you vllt, stimulates the production of the saliva that can neutralize stomach acid, possibly also helps you Iberogast, no idea if you should take this together in your situation, dry bread also helps, also vllt also walk away