Panikattacken vorbeugen?

Hey Leute ich hab ne Frage…

aufgrund einer unschönen Vergangenheit habe ich seit ungefähr einem Jahr Panikattacken. Von einer sehr guten Freundin die Mutter hat mit mir geredet und meinte es sind dissoziative krampfanfälle… hat jemand von euch dass auch und kann mir helfen? Ich hab das in letzter Zeit sehr oft immer wenn ich gestresst bin was leider sehr häufig der Fall ist. Ich kriege dann sehr schlecht Luft und werde manchmal sogar ohnmächtig… Ich habe mit ein paar Ärzten geredet aber bin nie genau auf das Thema eingegangen.. daher wollte ich hier mal fragen wie man damit umgeht…

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4 months ago

Magnesium can also prevent panic attacks as the mineral calms the body in many different ways. It promotes muscle relaxation, the balance of the nervous system, the correct adrenal function, regulates heartbeat and ensures the production of normal amounts of happiness hormone serotonin.

4 months ago

It just got a little weaker. When I’m among people I get like a tingling in the belly heavy breathing and the pulse gets higher. I got this through a past job. I can handle it well (because I don’t have it very strong) and try to focus on myself and calm me down. I also regularly do relaxation exercises and avoid stress as good as it is.
Try to see in what situations you get these panic attacks. If you know why you get her, you can work on it.
are they friends family job? Or maybe just a thought?

best if you go to a therapist.

good improvement

4 months ago

Bach blossoms and Bach blossoms have helped me very much. And for a long time to learn how to react when you realize you have an attack. Make yourself aware of what happens. To accept it in some way. Again and again, say: “I don’t want it now/ don’t like it now.”

3 months ago

I always say to myself that I am stronger than this attack and try to control it with breathing. Otherwise I try to prevent it with relaxation music or even meditate 🤷🏼 ♂️😁

3 months ago
Reply to  Clara640

Vllt helps a psychologist and can give you tips. In the evening, I always try to hear such a relaxation muscle and concentrate on my breathing and let my thoughts graze. Vllt will help you after a stressful day. And if I notice that such an attack is coming, I try to ask myself why this is coming you know now?

4 months ago

You can try vegetable medicines to relax. Valerian, for example, helps well against stress. But then you have to take this 3 weeks regularly until you then realize positive effect because planting medicine only works when you take it regularly for a few weeks

4 months ago

You should do a psychotherapy and respond to the topic!