Panikattacke was tun?
Hi, was kann ich tun gehen Panikattacken? Hatte heute die 2. in einer Woche. Mir wird extrem schwindelig, und kann nur noch schwer “richtig” atmen und zittere. Meistens wenn viele Leute da sind (zB Bhanhof) und es laut ist.
Hat jemand eine Idee, was ich akut tun könnte auch wenn ich alleine bin?
Hab mal was von Riechsalz gehört, hat jemand erfahrungen damit/ wie wirkt das oder wie wendet man es an?
I’m very sorry, 2 times, that’s really not good, please let the pediatrician arrange a medicine for the emergency that helps within a short time.
In a panic attack, it is important that you actively interrupt it.
Smell salt does not help, but you can achieve a lot with breathing:
At the moment of a panicattack, you have to breathe calmly with the lip brake.
Some drinking is also helpful, making music, watching TV, distracting.
When you’re on the go, sit somewhere and support both arms on your legs, like in the carriage seat and start with concentrated breathing.
By focusing on the breathing exercises, the panic is interrupted, and you calm down again.
Please call the panic attack in therapy.
Good for you.
Exercise 1:Lip brake – helpful breathing technology against fear
The lip brake is an effective breathing technique in order to balance the carbon dioxide/oxygen balance by extending the exhalation. Thus, anxiety or panic attacks can be quickly weakened or even avoided
For the dosed lip brake put the lips loosely on each other. A narrow gap between the lips is to be created, through which the air can escape slowly and for a long time. It is important: Do not press and as far as possible do not press.
Exercise 6: Contact breathing – in case of lack of breath and simultaneous panic
This exercise is especially useful whenPanik rises in you. When you get in touch, focus exclusively on your breath, which helps to calm down. Many people breathe in everyday life only up into the chest and have learned the abdominal breath. With a conscious abdominal breath, however, you can keep panic “travel” or at least in a zum.
Thank you for the ⭐s no good for you.
What really helped me was as soon as I knew it was going on again with the fear I started to count up 700 (with the inner voice). As a result, I have no longer given full attention to fear and the less attention one gives something the more meaningless the thing becomes. It may initially feel absurd because fear is great. But the longer you make it, the better it gets. It is also so that one can engage with the inner voice and, by the way, cannot think of the thoughts that cause fear otherwise. This also works very well when you are travelling outside, but also for other situations. And very important. Stop looking or check out if someone looks at you. Just take a look at people. It’s still difficult at the beginning, but it’s time. Because these are usually the main triggers that drive the fear right up. Over time, it will ask to see if someone looks less and less. Just look elsewhere.
Best regards 👋🏼
Hey, I know that in any case since I often deal with these issues for me it sounds kind of like a disease that has not yet been diagnosed there often people in loud places, etc. with many people ADHD, autism or other diseases. Of course, it doesn’t have to be, but there must be a trigger for it. Tips on how to relax quickly are important, but you also need to know what you have
Thank you for your answer. I think it is a social fear or social phobia. Do you have an idea what I can do in acute situations?
Unfortunately, I myself have problems with social fear and attempts to find out how I can improve it. But many mean that you should go beyond limits zb you hate to report then report 3 times or you are afraid to ask a stranger about the time then do it. If you do things that you would not normally make in your comfort home then you grow so I have learned it right now and try to pull it through