Panik vor dem fliegen?
Hallo ich bin 17 w und fliege morgen mit air cairo nach Ägypten . Ich habe sehr schlimme angst vor dem fliegen und mir tut der Magen jetzt schon weh. Viele versuchen mich zu beruhigen indem sie mir sagen das Flugzeuge das sicherste Verkehrsmittel ist. Jedoch habe ich panische angst zu sterben und solange eine chance besteht da sich sterbe wird da auch immer angst sein. Gibt es irgendetwas was mich beruhigen kann?
I hope I can scare you with this. Honour.
aircraft are the safest means of transport in the world. In 2022, 158 people died by accidents by planes. On the other hand, in the year 2022 474 cyclists have died in traffic and more than 1.35 million have died throughout the world. People by road accidents. If you’re afraid to get into a plane, you shouldn’t even go to the front door. Coconuts from palms have killed 150 people last year – 8 less than by planes. Modern aircraft can actually almost only be deliberately crashed and this happens extremely rarely. (Ca. every 10 years) The chance to win in the lotto is significantly higher than to crash with a plane.
Comparatively few people die when flying. Rather people die in the household.
I believe your main problem is that you have to give responsibility to someone you don’t even know. If you sit in the car as a passenger, the danger is much greater, but you know at least who drives you.
But remember that there are highly professional people sitting in the front of the cockpit who, by the way, don’t want to die so much, they will take you from A to B in the safest possible way.
You only notice the pressure difference to the ground when you sit on a support surface or otherwise you can connect to the outside of the plane. You know the pressure balance in the plane. Right?
Do you think the pilot and the rest of the flight crew would be in danger of injury?
And the millions of flight passengers flying around “up there” every day?
By the way: as an adult you no longer need the spleen.
I don’t think anyone or something can just take your fear like that. You just have to find out about your situation.
You won’t believe me, I used to have incredible heights and fear of flying. And now? I’ve been flying sailplane for two years, climbing and want to be a pilot later. And that’s just because I’ve been getting more and more. That sounds stupid, but if it always went, I even took a sailing art flight.
It was a very expensive way to improve, but I only discovered my love for aviation.
Besides, flying isn’t that bad. You can look for a conversation with a stewardess or a steward before the flight or even ask if you can talk to the pilot. That’s what they do. And that also helps.
All in all, I wouldn’t recommend you to make too many thoughts before the flight let alone even break the flight, because it won’t get better. And overcoming fear is feasible.
You can do this! I believe in you. Just let it come to you.
But the chance to die exists with every person every day as long as he lives. Regardless of transport.
Good flight.
I flew for 30 years, have a 6-digit number of start-ups and landings, and still live.
How many do you know who lost their lives in a flight accident?
The most dangerous thing about the flight is the journey to and from the plane.
Example: I flew with my plane and 3 others to Rome. On the way from the airport to the hotel, the driver would almost have distracted us. The result would have been 8 dead pilots, died on a federal road in Italy.
Lufthansa has programs to take passengers their fear. That’s too late now.
Flying is statistically correct just NOT the safest means of transport, but the most dangerous. It is necessary to include the number of journeys made, everything else is distortion of reality.
I would have liked to see the statistics.
Especially the comparison between the number of flight trips and the number of car trips.
Nonsense. No matter what size you use for a comparison, air traffic remains the safest at all.
No, the most dangerous
Just call the source you have your statement. You’ll show that you didn’t invent them freely or you’ll be a fool and we can convince ourselves. Win-win.
Just because you have no idea.
I’m not talking to someone who has no idea. It was my job.
Whether the number of flights, the number of passengers carried, or the miles travelled is always taken into account, air traffic is always gaining.
I am looking forward to sound Counter invoices.
I would be more afraid of terrorist attacks and hostages at the moment because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than flying.
So I’ve been flying over 1,000x… was more and more comfortable than driving a train!
Flying is probably also safer to drive as a train!
The most dangerous part of the trip should be when you drive to the airport by car! And… driving (or driving) doesn’t scare you either, does it?! o_O
I’m very sure you like flying! So, don’t be afraid!
the risk of suffering an accident at home today is far higher than the actual flight.
I’m just flying long distance, over 10 hours.