Panik vor dem Einschlafen – was tun?

Hi zusammen,

Ich habe manchmal Angst vor dem Einschlafen bzw. kriege ein wenig Panik. Diese entwickelt sich (habe ich selbst das Gefühl) durch das bei mir schwer unterbindbare “Gedankenkarussell”. Das ganze wirkt sich mit bsp. Schweiß aus. Wieso das so ist, weiß ich auch nicht so genau! Vielleicht weil ich einfach nicht müde bin und mich dann reinsteigere?

Aber was kann man dagegen tun?

Ist dringlich bin für jede Antwort dankbar❤️

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5 months ago

What you write is not so unusual and is more common than you think. The panic before falling asleep and the thought carousel you mention are often signs that the mind is still very active while the body actually wants to change to rest mode. Your feeling that you are not tired could be related to the fact that your nervous system does not properly “switch” and the inner tension remains.

Here are some approaches that might help you:

  1. interrupting thought carousel: An effective way to stop the carousel is to consciously redirect your thoughts. A simple method is to put your focus on breathing or to make a “body scan” – that means you concentrate on relaxing all body parts in succession. Such mindfulness exercises help you get out of your head and find more in your body.
  2. How to write down: Sometimes it helps to write down everything that goes through your head. You can take 5–10 minutes to get the “Chaos” in your head to paper. After that, you have the feeling that the thoughts are “completed” and the pressure leaves.
  3. Relaxation techniques before bedtime: There are various techniques that can help you prepare your body and mind for sleep. Breathing techniques, e.g. the 4-7-8 method, are helpful to calm the nervous system. The principle is simple: you breathe for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds and breathe for 8 seconds. Several repetitions can help you get down.
  4. Develop a sleep routine: Regular sleep ritual can signal to the body that it is time to shut down. This could be the hearing of relaxing music, gentle stretching, reading or a soothing meditation. It is important that you care about a similar routine every day so that your body adjusts to it.
  5. Avoid screen time before sleep: Bright light from screens can keep your brain awake even if you are physically tired. Try not to use electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime to signal to your body that sleep time is.

If these measures are not sufficient or the panic becomes more common, it might also be useful to consider professional assistance in order to establish the underlying triggers and to learn strategies for stress management.

It is important to understand that such sleeping problems are often also reinforced by stressful phases or emotional stresses. Taking conscious time to relax can help to facilitate the sleep process.

And if you’re afraid to do it, look over here. There you will also find soothing meditations in fears:

Sleep nice 🙂