Panik attacke?

Hi letztes hatte ich während ich geweint hab auf einmal voll gezittert und nasenbluten gekriegt . Danach konnte ich mich nicht bewegen für ca.5 min und meine Zähne haben gezittert . War das eine panikattake ?

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26 days ago

There seems to be something quite upset inside and there can be such a physical reaction for a short time.

You may have hyperventilated during crying (very quick breathing) and then the body may react with such a solidification.

What made you cry so much?

If it happens again, you should let a doctor check you through.

26 days ago
Reply to  MilaDieEnte

I’ve been thinking that there’s a lot to come together, which makes you so sad and made you so desperate. Do you have someone you can talk to about this grief?

In the case of school problems, your own parents often make pressure.

If it makes you sad to have lost people, of course, such a loss can also affect the school performance, or then for some time, it doesn’t matter.

I hope you’ll be better soon. If you have any questions, you can write me.

26 days ago

I liked to make!