Pandabuy noch versenden?
hallo zusammen:)
Da Pandabuy ja offensichtlich geraidet wurde, wollte ich noch fragen, ob ich jetzt noch meine Kleider vom Wearhouse nach Österreich shippen kann? oder ab wann dies wieder möglich ist..würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen!!
always these weird terms like Raid. Was ne classic raid of the Chinese authorities. I don’t know, I don’t think that the European NL is affected, but you should wait first. The authorities might get something with us and look more closely
Not at all. The stuff was taken by the authorities and most likely burned.
I’ve got a lot of stuff, too, hoping everything’s going on normally. Got some stuff that’s been hanging in the Storing week.
is a little stupid. can you write to me when you send the things from the Wearhouse?
From 18 to go again
Not yet. They say it’s going back soon but don’t know…
Did it go on?
Hope you can do this tomorrow.