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2 years ago
  • If you use a tripod, it’s not bad
  • If the lens has an image stabilizer, it is not bad
  • If you use short times it’s not bad
2 years ago


if you do not need a stick when you do videos traditionally from the tripod. But the generation of Run&Gun or Selfi(e)sch naturally needs the best possible staff.

However, Dual IS has tucked in video and can create “wobbles”, special in selfie motif layers. That’s why G110 came back without IBIS

In addition to IBIS, the G81 has eliminated other advantages and various bugs of the G70 (e.g. HDMI Out turns off during video recording). The G81 has a better EVF, the closure is quieter, die casting housing, sealed, SD slot laterally by aborting the low-pass filter is the diffraction sprinkler at approximately aperture 9 (instead of 6.3)

At present, the difference is 50€

2 years ago

Especially with videos, if you don’t have a lens with Stabi and you’re filming a lot out of your hand, it’s already falling into weight. For better stabilization than Panasonic, look at Olympus.