Determine PAL value?
Hello! I've noticed different uses of the PAL value in different sources and calculators. Sometimes, for example, a PAL value of 1.6 is used for the entire day if you mainly sit and occasionally walk/stand. So the basal metabolic rate is multiplied by 1.6. With a basal metabolic rate of 1600 kcal, that's a total requirement of 2560 kcal. So… now my question. Other calculators divide the PAL over the entire day, for example 8 hours of sleep with 0.95 PAL, 8 hours of work with 1.6 PAL, and leisure time also with 1.6, which would give you 1.38 PAL. That would then only be 2200 kcal a day, even though both options are aimed at the same person, if you know what I mean. I find the difference of 360 kcal considerable. So which is correct? One value or several values? The DGE, for example, only uses one value. Thanks! conversion
= these are average values, not for individual activities…
Does my question mean…?
Average value is A value, is that so difficult to understand?
Again, it’s a DURCHNITTS value…
…is also logical: You don’t eat separately for work, stand, sleep, otherwise…
If you only leave/stand (office job), you will of course have less performance (and therefore energy needs) than a postman or bicycle courier that is constantly in motion…
= that is a factor of turnover (e.g. 40-year-old man with 75 kg = 1800 kJ/d x 1,5 at workstation = 2,700 kJ/d total requirements…)
So, for example, can I move as temporary, predominantly sitting 1.6 for the whole day? Sorry:(