Paket von Freunden aus der USA erhalten?
Ein guter Kumpel arbeitet bei Intel in den USA und würde mir eine CPU schicken (UVP ungefähr 530€), er würde sie ungefähr 60% günstiger bekommen, da würde es sich ja eigentlich schon lohnen. Muss ich darauf dann irgendwie Zoll und/ oder Einfuhrsteuern bezahlen? Wenn ja wie viel ungefähr
Best you have an invoice about the purchase price and not the UVP.
Customs duty for PC hardware is 0% (unconditionally specify the tariff number in the accompanying documents!). Then you pay only 19% VAT and the delivery fee.
If insured, you should specify the purchase price. There’s no more to lose the show.
Yes, of course, it must be checked and taxed.
It is supposed to ship it insured because the inch likes to damage packages once.
Yes it must be taxed + customs
Best regards, Jan Orders/Submission Calculator-inch-and-Post/Privacy Calculator- and-post_node.html
are about 50 euros
The same as in a purchase in Germany, 19%.
Since 1 July 2021 you must pay import duties for all orders delivered from non-EU countries. For shipments under a value of 150 euros, you do not have to pay any duties. duties-fuer-kaeufe-aus-nichteulaendern-62109#:~:text=Bereiten%20seit%201 %)20July,m%C3%BCssen%20Sie%20keine%20Z%C3%B6lle20
My question was how much you have to pay? I found out your 2min googlen