Paket Sendung?
Hallo, ich vermute Internet Betrug, — ich chatte mit jemanden in Penncylvania ,er will das ich hier in Deutschland ein Konto eröffne, Bank N26, soll ihm dann die Log Daten geben, er will dann verknüpfen mit anderen Accounts, z.B. TikTok , Instergramm, und dann das Geld was er bekommt von denen auf N26 Bank überweisen , für uns BEIDE!I Ich vermute Betrug. Was kann ich nun??? Und was soll ich lieber lassen???Danke euch im Voraus. EV.
Definitely scam, I wouldn’t contact the person anymore and at least make an ad to the police.
What exactly should the German police do to a fraud in the US?
Yes, such fraud attempts are unfortunately normal and are constantly in circulation.
But only naive idiots fall on it and voluntarily give 500€ to a fraud.
Sure is the scam. Nevertheless, there are too many stupid ones that seriously fall into such an obvious maze
I’ve been thinking about it, thank you. And the bad thing is, the police can’t do anything about it!!!
Only that you ask these questions here shows that you were not sure.
And for such people (which then do not ask, but pay the 500 euros) wait the scams.
And on debes that open an account, and thus also support money laundering.
No. What are the police doing?