Paket mit DHL empfangen Tippfehler in der PLZ?

Hallo, ich habe mir auf eBay Kleinanzeigen etwas gekauft, nun merke ich das ich der PLZ ein Tippfehler ist. Es sieht ungefähr so aus:



Eine Ziffer falsch


Beide PLZ‘s sind nicht meine, ich habe nur einen ähnlichen Fehler mit eingebaut. Es ist nur eine Ziffer falsch.

Alles andere stimmt.

Was soll ich jetzt tun?

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1 year ago

Rotators in zip codes or incorrect zip codes are nothing unusual and occur more often. As long as the place is written correctly, the show should still arrive. The wrong PLZ is then corrected by the post. Otherwise, the shipment goes back to the sender if this is specified. However, you can also report to the post office and try to locate the missing shipments.

1 year ago

The second number is wrong, that is possibly even another place. If the last digit is wrong, it often doesn’t matter.

At least you have to expect a delay due to address determination. If you have bad luck, the show goes back to the sender and since it was your fault you will have to pay the postage again.

1 year ago

65 is Wiesbaden, 66 Saarbrücken, thus already a clear difference.

Or is your case the mistake in another place?

1 year ago
Reply to  ScanFee

This is both room Bielefeld/Herford, where the 32129 is apparently not at all forgiven. Therefore, the error is likely to appear early.