Paket kommt zurück, nicht abgeholt, wo hin damit?


wenn ein Paket (ohne sendungsnummer) am nächsten Tag zum Absender zurück kommt und dieser nicht zuhause ist und das Paket in die Postfiliale gebracht wird und der Absender es einfach nicht mehr abholt, was passiert mit dem Paket? Wird es weg geschmissen…..?

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2 years ago

No, first of all, a delivery attempt is made with a new notification.

If this is unsuccessful, the shipment goes to the freight center and the sender is written what is to happen with the shipment.

If it does not respond, the content will be destroyed after a period of time or sold.

2 years ago

if a package (without sending number)

they call themselves parcels hope the sender wrote his address on it.

2 years ago

Since there is no package without a consignment number, the question is insane.

2 years ago
Reply to  Warumich35

Whether parcels or parcels does not matter. If neither receiver nor sender collects the consignment, it will be destroyed after a retention period expires.