Paket bei der Packstation abholen?

Hallo, ich habe mir ein Packer liefern lassen und will es nun abholen aber dazu braucht man ja noch diesen QR-Code bzw. den Code wo finde ich den bzw. woher bekomme ich den

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2 years ago

…the code where I find

Select “Packstation” in the DHL app. All shipments that are ready for collection are displayed there. Tap the corresponding program and you will see the QR code you need to open the compartment.

2 years ago
Reply to  lilatrudi

is correct, only is ER minor if he has specified his true age, he does not come in

2 years ago
Reply to  peterobm

Since its package is apparently already in the packaging station, the verification is already complete, then it can also pick it up.

2 years ago
Reply to  RaceFlex

You’re welcome

2 years ago

You need a smartphone and need to download the app.

For Android, you need this here:

You need to register. However, you can only have something delivered to a PAckstation if you have a valid Number have.

Max Patternmann

Pakction 123

does not work.

2 years ago
Reply to  RaceFlex

the code will be displayed in the APP.

2 years ago


2 years ago

if you are registered for the packing station, you will receive a message there. but you have to at least. 18.

2 years ago
Reply to  RaceFlex

You can’t get a code or anything

Check out the other questions

2 years ago

I have already responded to your last question on this subject. You did not complete the Postident procedure because you are underage. This allows you to send packages to the packing station, but not pick them up because DHL does not send you any code.

You should learn to read – and understand would not be bad either.

There’s nothing to use when you get drunk. You can’t pick up the package. Point.

2 years ago

In the DHL app. Then a QR code is generated that you have to scan at the packaging station. Then open the door.

2 years ago

I have already set up the pack station and everything and the packet is already in

If you had set everything up correctly and would be unlocked, you will also get the pickup code in your app. But something doesn’t seem to fit.

By the way, the user ID for the Packstation is personal and you can’t just log on to your parents’ name

2 years ago

I’m sure I’m nix, but you want something that doesn’t work

Registration for the Packstation | DHL

2 years ago

then you have access authorization

but if you have, you didn’t, with your other questions, run stupid

2 years ago

he gets nix, he is 16 according to his other questions

2 years ago

You’ll get it through the DHL app. To do this, you must register VORHER, make an Ident procedure and complete the registration.

Only then does it work with the packaging station

2 years ago

right, it only gets when you register

and still what: You must be year-round what you are not yet

2 years ago

You are minor and cannot be registered for Packstation.

So forget it!

2 years ago
Reply to  RaceFlex

Are you even proud that you’re doing illegal things?